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23 Jul 2024 11:56:13
Seeing as E in Bridgenorth won’t back up their statement or answer any questions about it can anyone else tell me who the serious clubs looking to spend 100 million are? Also how have they managed to spend this much. Is it from player sales? Or are they getting round ffp or whatever it’s called now?

Or is this yet another false statement from E? I can’t work out who EiB is referring to and would like to know what their structure is for running said club. As it would be a good model to follow.

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23 Jul 2024 12:58:18
Aston Villa
Man Utd
Whoever buys Pedro Neto out of Arsenal or Spurs for 60 million Goatmark.

23 Jul 2024 13:12:37
And how did they manage to spend so much? Most of those have sold their best players or youth players to make that money in the first place as far as I know. But you seem to have an issue when fosun do the same. And to get this straight you are comparing us to the likes of man utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and spurs? West Ham maybe but do you remember someone called rice who they sold for 100mil, or villa who sold grelish and Luis for a lot of money or maybe forest who got docked points last season and are looking to sell before they buy. I’m not convinced by your view tbh. Just seems like complaining for the sake of it.

23 Jul 2024 13:14:14
As for the structure of how to run the club Goatmark we only have to look about 15 miles across the Midlands and ask how they have managed to achieve CL when a few years ago we were miles ahead.

23 Jul 2024 13:49:02
Oh you mean the club that brings in around £60mil more revenue than us so can spend more than us and as I pointed out have sold some of their best players for large sums. When was the last time we sold someone for £100mil? Some fans are complaining about selling kilman for £40mil, so you want us to be a selling club like villa? But I thought that was one of your issues with fosun, accusing them of selling off our best players and replacing them with unknown names on their new Sudu shirts.

23 Jul 2024 13:55:04
2 things that made a massive difference to Aston Villa were selling Grealish for £100m and also selling Villa Park to a subsidiary company.

23 Jul 2024 13:59:48
Are E in Bridgenorth and E in Wombourne the same person?

23 Jul 2024 14:29:32
Forest won't spend £100million they are under ffp restrictions still.

23 Jul 2024 15:27:51
Forest are doing undisclosed deals and will find a way Rated.
The punishment for overspending is only a few points as proved last season and better players equals more points so clubs may think it’s worth the risk.
Don’t think the big tv companies want clubs to stop spending do they?

23 Jul 2024 15:41:58
Villa was a couple of days away from going into administration. It's hardly a sound business model.

23 Jul 2024 08:39:56
Do we know yet, or where can we find a full list of the squad going to USA?
Should prove interesting / indicative.to a degree

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23 Jul 2024 10:42:53
i have a steam to watch it

23 Jul 2024 11:40:42
Podence not going, injury. Guedes included apparently rollowolf. I dunno the full squad.

23 Jul 2024 12:18:19
123.are you paying?
If not, where?

23 Jul 2024 12:57:59
wolves tv

23 Jul 2024 14:05:21
Thanks Abbey.
I picked up those bits but can't find full squad anywhere.yet. I'm sure it will pop up soon.
Pity Podence got a calf 'injury', would like to have seen him go and play, and a hope that GON might want/ and persuade him to stay ( as it doesn't seem we would get any big money if he goes.
Guedes inclusion bit odd? Surely we want rid? And perhaps this is just to get him / showcase him as fit.to get a decent sale. Who knows eh

23 Jul 2024 18:12:51
I personally think GON sees the player in him, and if treated accordingly we may unearth a surprise addition to the squad. His attitude was poor and his opinion of wolves lacking as we know, but time and circumstances can change. On the other side of it, it may well bring in suitors paying realistic money for him. GON did say he wanted to take squad players for the season ahead tho. Or maybe he's making up numbers? Who knows outside GON and staff?

23 Jul 2024 18:24:49
Guedes is making up the numbers. Also showing that he is healthy since I think he has has recent injury issues.

22 Jul 2024 17:54:48
Apparently Newcastle want 11m for Callum Wilson. Worth a punt? I know he has an injury history but when he plays he scores.

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22 Jul 2024 18:31:31
He is 32 Ken and just had surgery on his back ruling him out of the start of the season.
11 million is too much.

22 Jul 2024 18:33:56
Not at 11mil at 32/32 he is coming to the end that's why they are geting rid, I will getxa few goals but I also think che addams would have done not thatvi realy wanted him at the club but on a free would have been better business

22 Jul 2024 18:58:12
A great player when fit, but he's a sick note.

22 Jul 2024 19:38:26
Agreed, I just wondered what people thought. Personally I wanted Adams on a free, he would have been ideal.

23 Jul 2024 01:53:52
Swap him for Silva.

23 Jul 2024 03:35:19
Iv just read that wolves have had a deal on the table with addams for over a month with him messing about and not signing so it was us that pulled out, they aren't prepared to wate so may have another target

23 Jul 2024 08:39:09
he was a donkey anyway

22 Jul 2024 13:34:46
There have been lots of posts regarding Fosun and their financial commitment to Wolves recently and as someone who has in the past been critical of aspects of their ownership I think it is only fair to try and present a balanced view.
It is a fact that they took us up and have kept us up now for several years.
This is not only something we had previously failed to do, despite the millions of Sir Jack, but also, other than a dozen or so sides - most of whom have hundreds of millions pounds a year more of revenue than us - no one else has.
Today 72 sides in the Championship and below would love to swap places with us!
However despite initially supporting us strongly and in our hour of need (when relegation loomed!) coming to our aid again it is I believe, also fair to say that we have not been consistently well managed financially.
We lost over £100m before player sales last year!
We had the transfer market debacle during the 2 years post Seville when we signed amongst others Fabio, Hoever, Trincao, William Jose and Guedes. All totally insane transfers which those of you who have been on this site for a few years will know I was highly critical of at the time!
We have failed to build commercial revenues, despite the Portuguese, Mexican and now Korean angles!
But we also have a wage bill totally out of kilter with our football activities.
I have asked this question before and got no responses at all so hoping for better this time.
How can we have a wage bill of over £140m when we have a small and modestly paid squad - estimates are certainly no higher than £60m? Agent fees, payoffs to ex managers, cleaners on £100k each?

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22 Jul 2024 14:20:16
Wernt trincao and jose loans and hoever was part of the jota deal.the big mistake was not investing after the 1st ssn in prem and continuing with a small squad which nuno liked working with.wenever in prem history did a team keep the same side for11 straight games.fast fwd to lage and not ridding him after that 1st ssn leads us to wer we are.some would argue wer where we should be or deserve to be but with wiser investment we could be a side that is challenging for top6/8 and finish ther and not end up in 13/14 place

22 Jul 2024 14:36:57
I don’t know the answer tbh, but wondering where you get your figures from. After looking up premier league wages all I could find was an article with a list of the various clubs wages and we came in 17th which doesn’t seem to bad to me. I don’t know the actual figures or who gets paid what etc so am in no position to answer your question.

22 Jul 2024 14:45:40
I think the person making the most noise about Fosun only occasionally pops up with the same comments and is clearly on a wind-up (check previous posts/comments).

Fosun has achieved more with wolves than any other owner in decades. Sure, they haven't been perfect and dropped a ball or two. But they appear to be cleaning up from their previous mistakes, and trying to implement a better strategy.

22 Jul 2024 15:19:08
Fordhouse - agree! The last 18 months or so have seen a real turnaround! Hence as I stated in a post a few days ago I am reasonably positive we can look up not down fom last season.
Subject of course to buying a new CB and not selling any of our best players!
Goatmark - Wolves accounts, which are publicy available. Yes we do have a modest wage bill for the football side but sadly not for something else - I don't know what!
Bux - yes re Trincao, Jose and Hoever. Not sure about the squad size. Nuno stated he wanted a bigger squad after Seville so they sold Jota to partially finance the purchase of Fabio and Hoever!

22 Jul 2024 15:26:53
We are well supported in S Korea, Mexico and Portugal. Not as well as other clubs with a bigger pedigree than us but still big.

I know that Man Utd do a travel package for overseas fans which is massive. Liverpool do the same.

One of my colleagues is based in S Korea and he tells me that after Hueng Min Son, Hwang is worshipped over there.

22 Jul 2024 16:10:34
I would say that on balance Fosun's ownership has been positive the downsides have been in their lack of knowledge in running a football club. They have made mistakes in their time in charge but I would say that at last they now have a hierarchy that could prove to be a success in the way the club is run.
I must admit I was a bit surprised at the 140m pounds wage bill and I wonder where it goes, can't see the first team squad costing more than 65-70m per year. I know that we have a lot of coaches cascading down the age groups but they can't account for where the other millions go to. Probably have to ask Jeff but not likely to get an answer I would have thought! The costs of running the club must be massive, just looking at the last few weeks for example. First team squad in Marbella flying out on a jet charter this year whereas last year they flew Ryanair. The only reason I know is my interest in aviation. We also had two age groups in Bratislava again quite costly I would imagine. Though again that cost doesn't come from the wages budget. All I can suggest as to where it goes if Jeff must have big pockets (joke)
At the moment I hope they get GON to sign a new contract get rid of certain players and bring a few more and I'll be very happy with the way Fosun a running the club. It's taken a while but I think we are back to just prior to Seville. We've just lost a few years!

22 Jul 2024 16:18:38
Maybe there are a lot of South Koreans walking around Seoul in their new Sudu shirts as haven’t seen anyone wearing one in Wolverhampton.
Is this due to the solidarity of fans who said they would renew their season tickets but not buy any merchandise?

22 Jul 2024 16:19:51
I see your point Tfiog, maybe there’s just a lot of well paid staff. I guess knowing how it compares to other clubs might help. If it is comparable then I guess all good if not then I guess maybe some are right and Jeff is paying himself too much.

22 Jul 2024 16:23:31
What no reply to the responses to your last post E?, just more criticism toward the club.

22 Jul 2024 18:50:51
I've seen a few of the new shirts being worn.

22 Jul 2024 19:27:42
Was that on your summer holiday to Seoul WS because they’re not around Wolverhampton and unlikely to be with the match day prices announced by the club today.
Locals are unhappy with the prices and supporters of many years are standing by their vow to renew season tickets but not spend in the club megastore.

22 Jul 2024 20:40:37
Yep. Saw a few people wearing the new top this morning.

22 Jul 2024 20:49:54
I can't go to the Chelsea game as I'm away but although I'm not happy about it, I'll buy Newcastle and Liverpool tickets and then using the 10% ticket cash, purchase my Man City and Palace tickets using whatever cash I've earned to make it cheaper

23 Jul 2024 08:40:25
i still don't trust them a inch guys

23 Jul 2024 11:46:56
How much did we pay nuno lage and lopetgui tfig? Does this in any way contribute to the 'wages' bill?

23 Jul 2024 14:34:49
Just found a table of staff costs and we are around 12-14th roughly the same as other clubs and not much more than the bottom clubs. So doesn’t seem to be anything suspicious to my eyes. Guess 160mil is just how much it costs to pay everyone involved at the club.

22 Jul 2024 16:03:12
Wandering - last year we made £26m from everything Korea, Mexico, Portugal, India, New Zealand, Mongolia, USA, you name it and Wolverhampton! So whilst i don't have the details I would imagine the numbers you are talking about are miniscule.
But I guess as the advert says "every little helps" and maybe going forwards it will be different it needs to be!

26 Jul 2024 07:03:34
From what I've red are wage bill is between40 and 50 mill nowhere near 160 mill.

Early Season Analysis of Manchester United

22 Jul 2024 07:39:22
{Ed's Note - Shappy has posted a new article entitled, Early Season Analysis of Manchester United

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22 Jul 2024 06:17:31
Good news Che Adams set for medical with Torino.

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22 Jul 2024 08:02:33
Good news

22 Jul 2024 09:23:46
Better news, we signed Starnd Larsen.

22 Jul 2024 14:21:31
Wud still have him over any1 the kids on the bench when u might need a goal.in last20mins.simple as that

22 Jul 2024 18:37:54
I agree fordhouses_jack, on a free we should have done the deal

21 Jul 2024 14:50:59
What does everyone think of Guedes playing thirty minutes for Wolves against Bristol City is GON trying to reintergrat him back in the Wolves squad.

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21 Jul 2024 15:50:19
Might help with his fitness and also put him into the shop window.

21 Jul 2024 16:02:54
No chance, the guys made it VERY clear he doesn't want to be in the country. It will be to give peeps a chance to scout/see he's fit I suspect. We should never have signed someone who SO clearly didn't want to be at the club! 😭

21 Jul 2024 16:19:29
well if whang and neto go that's £70 million in jeff shi piggy bank

21 Jul 2024 16:24:32
You're clearly forgetting the players that have been *bought* as well.

I suspect Fosun can do nothing right in your opinion. Here is a question have Chan or Neto been sold?

21 Jul 2024 16:31:51
Cant see hwang going or neto2be honest.guedes and podence and silva should bring in more cash.obviously we need a cb and possibly another keeper if bentley goes.theres plenty of bargains out ther instead of the inexperienced and inadequate bench we have presently.but wel be in a big mess if we don't extend at leastva few of thos coming to the end of their contracts nxt ssn

21 Jul 2024 16:45:21
123northeast where do you get that figure from as Neto is worth 60mill and Hwang is worth over 30 mill at least that's 100mill no probs bot GON will not let Hwang go Neto different story.

21 Jul 2024 17:41:04
Guedes. No chance. Just a brief opportunity to showcase his fitness. Let's get what we can. Bin him off and get someone who wants to play for Wolves.

21 Jul 2024 18:48:47
I was wondering the same about Guedes and also Hoever. Also noticed Sa didn’t play, anyone know why?

21 Jul 2024 20:06:28
Sa still on holiday after being involved with the Portugal squad.

21 Jul 2024 20:15:50
Correct me if I am wrong but Podence didn’t feature against Bristol City. That is significant, possibly signalling his imminent exit.

21 Jul 2024 20:43:27
Goatmark I think those who were part of the Euros like Sa neto samedo etc are having their hols if they want them.

21 Jul 2024 23:44:48
That makes sense Wandering Star and Abbeywolf, for some reason I had erased the whole euros thing from my mind.

22 Jul 2024 08:55:32
Does anyone know why Podence didn't get a game against Bristol?

22 Jul 2024 09:27:08
Anything to do with his sending off? Don’t really know how it works in friendlies.

22 Jul 2024 11:42:44
Think you’ll find Podence was serving a one game suspension

22 Jul 2024 12:37:53
The Jeff Shi piggy bank is overdrawn 123northst. The losses need paying back before it has funds. Might be quite a while.

22 Jul 2024 12:51:53
So if we sell Fabio and maybe Guedes and hold on to the rest have we got enough depth?

I think we would be fine if we revert to a back 4 with 4 centre backs already, loads in midfield and the addition of Larsen, Podence, Chiquinho and Rodrigo Gomes up front is far healthier.

21 Jul 2024 11:26:31
so plenty of money in or due to come in will money go out to O'Neil kilmans money used on 3 players in we had £20 million left from man city deal I don't trust jeff shi/ foson one inch

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21 Jul 2024 12:30:07
How did you work out your figures?

21 Jul 2024 15:53:11
Agree 123. Only delivered the best team we've seen down our way for 50 years.

21 Jul 2024 17:31:23
May be another 50 years until we see the like again Old Wulf.
Serious clubs are looking to spend £100 million while Fosun are looking to make £100 million.

21 Jul 2024 17:47:13
Depends how you do your calculations 123northst.
40Million in for Kilman minus what we have to give Maidenhead @ £6Mill which leaves ~ 34.
Doyle, Gomes and Lima ~ 25/26 which leaves 8/9. Don't know if we've put a deposit down on Strand, but there's not £20Mill left?

21 Jul 2024 19:02:10
Same old agenda against fosun, would be nice if people actually backed up their statements with facts instead of spouting nonsense. Do some people only focus on who gets sold? What about the players we bought. Also it was fosun who bought them in the first place so any credit to them for that? I thought not.

I’m also wondering who the teams who are looking to spend 100 mil are? Maybe villa newcastle or Brighton who have sold some of their best players to make that money in the first place? Or Chelsea who have sold numerous young prospects to make pure profit on the sales? Or Man Utd/city whose revenue is far superior to ours.

It’s very easy to say negative things without an evidence, people might respect comments more if they were backed up. As some point out it’s the best wolves team and longest stay in the prem in my lifetime, if that’s not good enough for you maybe go support Man City who manipulate the rules to spend fortunes. Or Everton who spend a load and get it wrong repeatedly.

21 Jul 2024 20:11:39
Its not about how much money you spend, it's about the quality of the players.

At the end of last season, some fans were critical of the club as our squad wasn't big enough.

So we've brought in 3 entirely new players and sold 1 from the 1st team but still, all some care about is how much we've spent.

21 Jul 2024 20:21:01
You may be right about the timescale E but it's difficult to carp too much about this summer's transfer dealings so far. The time to comment will be when the window closes but we all know Fosun are unable to spend the sort of money you are quoting without recouping most via sales. Their head is only just above the P&S waterline.

24 Jul 2024 10:19:11
so what jeff shi said about our club was ok by you

Arne Slot's Liverpool Tactical Setup

21 Jul 2024 07:39:18
{Ed's Note - Fixer has posted a new article entitled, Arne Slot's Liverpool Tactical Setup

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19 Jul 2024 22:27:59
So it looks like all that nonsense about Hwang was exactly that.

Reports over the last few days from most outlets now say nobody knows anything about what the player wants. That the club rejected the bid. And that the club has set an "unrealistic" price tag to ensure he stays.

This is why people need to remember this is a rumours forum. And those rumours don't come with any form of verification or citation of sources. So whatever you read here please take with a pinch of salt. And remember a lot of people on the internet lie just to seem important or relevant. Don't know why. Guess it's the same motivation behind people that gossip.

Anyways. Looking forward to the season. Hope we can get a decent tough centre back. Think we need a couple as Dawson will need back up. And tbh I'm not sure we need anyone else. Our midfield looks pretty good. We have a wealth of creative players. And hopefully this new boy and Hwang can finally replace the goals scored by Jimenez and Traore.

If we keep Neto and keep him fit it will be exciting. Hwang, Neto, Cunha, Strand, Sarabia, Ait Nouri, Rodrigo Gomes, Lima and Semedo? We will be rapid, good at passing and hopefully see some nice football. Let's just hope we can finally score the chances we create.

Also. anyone got any clue when the next episode of "wolves new kit" is out? I want to see this black kit with the wolf head in real life and not some picture that looks like it was taken on an iPhone from 2010. I know it probably won't be until the end of the month or next month. I am just impatient. Like a child on Christmas Eve.

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