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06 Sep 2023 20:51:38
Have to ask what do peeps make of Nunes leaving statement?! I can't help but feel its all just a way to cover his shocking behaviour?!
Was somewhat cryptic mind, to essentially say 'when everything comes out no one will EVER question my disgusting behaviour again' is a bit bizarre and somewhat specific?! Probably all just sour grapes but it does make ya wonder if something big is quietly changing at the club?!

BullysBoy III

1.) 06 Sep 2023 23:03:10
He went on strike. Its unforgivable what he did. Unless he was being victimised or subjected to criminal acts against him there is no excuse.

2.) 07 Sep 2023 00:43:19
Oh I agree Jas, not for a second buying into as an excuse. There's never an excuse for downing tools, I suppose what surprised me more was had it been a token 'once in a lifetime, blah blah blah' sob story then that would have been pretty standard. It's more that he speaks with absolute certainty (and arrogance) that time will not judge him poorly?! Which like I say I suspect is just a smoke screen for his poor behaviour but again these words are pretty specific
'Everything happens for a reason, however incomprehensible it may seem at first sight, but the future, will clarify it and probably, at that time, everyone without exception will understand the reason for the last troubled week'

3.) 07 Sep 2023 07:12:23
Snake would be denigrating the whole reptilian community Bully's.Smokescreen and nothing else.His warped mind probably thinks it might alter his forthcoming reception. Danny Mills will be thinking he got off lightly.

4.) 07 Sep 2023 10:02:39
Basically he's blaming everyone else but himself for going on strike. He's hardly going to pop back up in three years time and say "oh BTW, the time I went on strike to join Man City is because X, Y, Z"

5.) 07 Sep 2023 12:38:50
Nunes' statement is beneath contempt. It's pathetic how he is trying to imply there was a problem at Wolves. Actually in a way there was, but the problem has been sold to Citeh.

6.) 07 Sep 2023 13:33:09
He is a Judas who'll probably get himself sent off the week befor City play us.

7.) 07 Sep 2023 14:39:03
Not under Guardiola, Rated. He'd be cleaning boots all season.

8.) 07 Sep 2023 15:11:49
Teams do it to players all the time. Have them practice with the U21. What happened when Real Madrid benched Bale.
Let's not get too emotional over it - the play was to flip him but it took to the end of the window for anyone to come in with a decent offer.
And he probably grew tired of Jeff dicking around to try to maximize the profit.

9.) 07 Sep 2023 17:54:49
Not sure what you are on about with your last sentence, Handsome. If every want away footballer went on strike because their club was trying to negotiate the best possible deal then it would almost be the Jarrow march all over again.

10.) 07 Sep 2023 18:21:24
What about the rest of my post about coaches having players they no longer want training with the U21s.
Didn't Nuno pull those stunts?
What about them leaving those players off of the team sheets trying to force them to leave a fully legal and binding contract?

11.) 08 Sep 2023 06:42:04
The guy has gone we made a profit on him not a great amount but yet still a profit.
I posted at the time it happens players down tools to force a move as did the guy from Brighton.

It's wrong and unprofessional but it's the age of the player power.
Jeez bet footballers of today can't even boil an egg spoilt filthy rich when the cost for supporters at matches and TV subscription packages.
You can understand as you put it handsome peeps emotional.

But see clearly where you coming from handsome.
At end of the day no one knows what goes on behind the scenes at our club.
To me if not for Internet (wolves bantersite) Nunes woukd of been tge next days chip shop paper.

12.) 08 Sep 2023 07:40:21
Name the players who were left out by Nuno but were good enough to be in the team Handsome. Cutrone was nowhere near good enough as his subsequent career has proved.



12 Aug 2023 07:21:31
Great piece from Jonny Philips today in the E and S. Really is quite damming for Jeff and Fosun mind! I may not of liked Lopes behaviour but the fact that the entire saga unfolded, including his leaving without as so much as a word from Jeff is disgusting! Just on a human level it's just wrong and I'm afraid it screams of an ownership group who have lost all interest in maintaining a life raft because they are too busy trying to bail water out of their Titanic! I don't care what Jeffs letter said (we all know we can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth anyway) Fosun are looking for a quick sale (in the next two years) I am willing to bet what's left of Jeff's reputation on it!
What happens then who knows, as has been (rightly) pointed out on here selling a club in a panic rarely works out well for said club, time will tell ????

BullysBoy III

1.) 12 Aug 2023 10:11:40
I read it bullysboy and my head is spinning.

1 it changed everything the global pandemic and the jiminez injury.
Of which I have always thought was the main issue.

2 it's what's been disclosed of how the hierarchy handled that change from then until now that has sent huge alarm bells ringing in my head.

3 I put my trust in fosun and who ever they employ to run our club and I genuinely trust shi in his letter.
That's because how I feel I naturally have to.
I'm fine with being deemed gullible and taken in, with putting my head in the sand.

4 I find it odd that jonny Phillips writes this article on the eve of our season start.
How will this help fans who are in shock and dismay with the clubs owners?
5 our fans need a detailed statement from fosun within their intentions for the future.

6 I'm feeling rather shaken but not stirred.
All can do is just feel the best going into the matches.
As always just want a happy ship and read verdicts about the football we play.
The shenanigans of the management is blocking that.
All the best for the new season wolverhampton wanderers I have hope trust please do your best for the lads.

2.) 12 Aug 2023 10:51:50
Different topic watching penalty shootout right now Australia v France.
It's gripping.

Will watch England semi after.

3.) 12 Aug 2023 14:55:35
Saves retakes saved again hits the post and scores a winner, was indeed gripping phil. Watched the England game but was driven mad by the incessant screaming sound of the fans, what's the average age?, it was like being in a kids playground for 90 mins. I'm not too excited by the tournament I must confess. They got through though, with two bits of fortune and a cracking save.

4.) 12 Aug 2023 15:07:21
Just read the article Phil. Tells it as it is and probably doesn't deviate too much from what most of us have probably been thinking.As for your 4, the catalyst was the Lopetegui leaving saga so I'm not sure there could be any other timing really.
Doesn't change things and we all really need to get behind the boys and O'Neil because, let's face it, nobody else will.

5.) 12 Aug 2023 22:29:10
Thanks for the response Phil, a good read as always buddy. Just to say I don't think your gulible at all, I do think you are a naturally optimistic person and as such look to see the best in people/situations which is no bad thing. As I've said before it's a large part of why I like reading your posts. I suppose in terms of the timing of the article then half of it wasn't relevant until after Lope left but I agree the timing is not good.
I also agree that a statement or fans forum from Shi would be great but the fact he didn't even do Lope (or GON) the courtesy of a phone call makes me pretty sure that isn't going to happen although I'd love to be wrong there!
All the best to you as well buddy for the new season, let's hope it's a good one and all the rest will be forgotten eh. COYW ??

6.) 13 Aug 2023 09:24:21
Thanks bullysboy ?

Tomorrow we off at mau utd hopefully a good performance and no reason why we can't get a result.


7.) 13 Aug 2023 09:26:32
Lol Abbey I fell back to sleep with England game and I posted wrong it was the quarter final ha ha.
Who cares man u watch out the wolves are wounded maybe but we not to be underestimated.
Coyw ?

8.) 13 Aug 2023 12:51:06
Absolutely Old Wulf let's get behind the team and new manager.




BullysBoy III's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 11:48:08
It is a no because he's managed 14 games in the last two years! He will want a massive wage and wasn't up to the pace for the Prem when he was in it last and that was four years ago! The reality is that it's much easier to shine for a good six weeks at a cup than it is over a whole season in the Prem I'm afraid!

BullysBoy III



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23 Jul 2024 17:18:24
I hope not, grey player but the guy is always injured! If we spend £25m on an injury prone player I'm just not sure how that works with the way we run our teams?!

BullysBoy III



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23 Jul 2024 13:58:53
Just like you were abit worried Hwang was going? Anyone would think you are looking for problems Oxley? He's already on a rolling contract if the club aren't worried why are you?

BullysBoy III



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14 Jul 2024 15:48:16
Correct as always Old and TFG old buddies ? I am starting to get the impression that one or two fans on here REALLY don't seem to get how precariously balanced the goals in this sqaud are?! We really aren't in a strong position to let any of our best attacking players go. For example if we lost Neto and Hwang (as some are suggesting) then we've lost half our goals with no guaranteed way to replace them?! As I keep saying one or two really need to recalibrate and be careful what they are wishing for! A pleasure to see ya on here as always TFG fella, ??

BullysBoy III



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13 Jul 2024 23:36:14
I've not always been Hwangs biggest fan but those saying they would drive him there need to take a long look at the goals spread in our team! In all comps Cunha first with 14 and Hwang second with 13, the guy scored almost a quarter of our Prem league goals! While your looking at that Prem league scorers chart also just ask yourself how many of those names on there (even those below Hwang) could we realistically sign for £30m?! Thank goodness the club are paying more attention than some of the fans, if we sell those goals aren't going to be easy or cheap to replace. Cunha scored one more goal than him and is now looking like a steal at £43m! Goal scorers (generally) ain't cheap and neither should ours be! COYW ?

BullysBoy III




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24 Jul 2024 17:00:11
Both wolves captains at some point

BullysBoy III



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24 Jul 2024 16:59:57
Both Lec captains at some point?

BullysBoy III



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24 Jul 2024 13:10:25
Your right E, Morgan did know about building sadly he new a lot less than Fosun about squad building. Which is precisely why we ended up with one of the best stadiums in League One! There's no easy route to success guys, it took Fosun a while to realise that and they are currently trying to cut the cloth accordingly. Yes I would like a better stadium but it still wouldn't make any difference to our transfer budgets/league standing I'm afraid.

BullysBoy III



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24 Jul 2024 07:14:33
For me, of all of Fosun's broken promises, I find their lack of investment in the club's facilities the hardest to swallow! Sorry, but it is a shambles that the most they've spent on the stadium was to recondition a temp stand after they let it become unsafe and are still using said (uncovered) temp stand!

Half of the problem, however is that I suspect they've realised the same thing that many other owners have; that ticket sales aren't a huge part of a club's overall income. In 2023, Wolves made £15.1m on the gates, whereas they made £125m for broadcasting (rights and league distributions)! Not even comparable, is it! We even made £13.3m just in sponsors and advertising that season, again nearing a season's worth of gate receipts.

So whilst like everyone else I would love to see Fosun finally do the work the stadium desperately needs, in real terms a new/revamped few stands would likely add (at best) £5-10m in extra gate money a season. That barely covers a signing on fee for some players these days! Oh btw, once you take out the likely repayments for the loan they'd take to do the work, you can probs write off that extra £5-10m, anyway!

Here in lies the problem. We all want the stadium sorted, but it's not an easy route to financial security and the next level. Quite the opposite, get it wrong and you're playing in a lower league for a half empty stadium! ?

BullysBoy III



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21 Jul 2024 16:02:54
No chance, the guys made it VERY clear he doesn't want to be in the country. It will be to give peeps a chance to scout/see he's fit I suspect. We should never have signed someone who SO clearly didn't want to be at the club! ?

BullysBoy III



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