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27 Jul 2024 09:25:51
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26 Jul 2024 22:11:58
Re : the question a few days ago, concerning Stearman and Coady! Great shout Ardunby, you got 4, but the 5th was England U 21 . FWAW!

26 Jul 2024 15:40:47
From doing a quick internet search it seems villa’s cheapest season ticket is more expensive than wolves cheapest and their most expensive is more expensive than wolves most expensive. Also matchday ticket prices range from £55-£92 at villa whilst wolves range from £37-£71.
As for players with premier league experience out of their last 6 signings 1 has prem experience so I’m not sure you can argue that. I’ll admit that we sign unknown/untested players but personally I prefer than model. They tend to be cheaper both in value and wages. How did coutinho or dendonker work out for villa?
I don’t really get your problem with the shirt maker, again I personally agree with the move from wolves, just because it isn’t a trendy name like adidas doesn’t make it a bad move. I’d prefer a club trying to be different from the rest just like our stance on var, not all clubs have got the balls to go against the norm.
Id be surprised if villa have said expect consistent European football and I’ll remind you their make £60 mil more than us every year so can spend more. Again refer to the psr rules. Also can any club outside the sky 6 claim to get consistent European football? Perhaps West Ham but even they don’t get it every year.

26 Jul 2024 17:03:27
How much is a ticket in Villa’s equivalent of the Graham Hughes uncovered stand Goatmark?

26 Jul 2024 18:37:00
Haha, that the best you’ve got? Obviously I know they don’t have the same issue regarding the temp stand but there is still a sizeable difference between the most expensive tickets and even if you didn’t include the temp stand I’m fairly sure our lowest would still be lower. My point is you complain about the prices but they are comparable to villa’s who you want us to be more like. Anyway surely a budget stand is a good thing.

26 Jul 2024 19:25:55
By being more like Villa, does that mean sell our ground and be £200m in debt?

27 Jul 2024 09:10:28
I’m sure all you fans would sell your ground if it meant you could play in the champions league. UTV

26 Jul 2024 13:11:09
Good to learn Mario Lemina has been named as captain for the new season.

26 Jul 2024 14:11:27
The only choice for me 47 vintage, well maybe Dawson too, but Mario acted as more of a leader than Kilman most of the time anyway. If he gets the commitment and respect from the rest of lads that he puts in I'll be happy.

26 Jul 2024 15:04:51
Fosun doing the bare minimum again, they easily could've bought a new Captain with the Kilman money.

26 Jul 2024 15:23:44
Fordhouse-Jack you mean like Macathy
With Johnson that worked out really well.

26 Jul 2024 15:36:21
To be perfectly fair Fordhouses I think Mario Lemina ticks all the boxes for me. An incoming captain would need to acquaint with the team and who’s to say it wouldn’t be another Johnson situation as Wolf123 mentions?

26 Jul 2024 16:01:04
I'm being snide.

25 Jul 2024 21:58:58
Gary O'Neil

"The club are doing their best in the transfer window to do some business and there's
probably a bit more to come, hopefully, with things moving either way"

"We're trying to balance the squad and give ourselves a bit more depth."

26 Jul 2024 07:41:14
Reckon a lot is going to hinge on wether neto/ran leave and for what fees Rated. Would still like another CB regardless, .

26 Jul 2024 08:31:40
so bear minimum being done again

26 Jul 2024 08:41:18
Agree on a new CB, but hopefully we can retain RAN and Neto, and revenue raised through the sales of Silva, Guedes and Podence. Maybe Hoover and Chiquito also. Although we'll make loses on some of those at least we might be able to get them off the wages bill and get a decent CB in.

26 Jul 2024 09:46:17
We had a decent centre back and sold him to West Ham for £40 million and posters were happy to take the money.

26 Jul 2024 10:43:40
Kilmans form dropped once Dawson got injured. If we get Elvedi as was rumoured a few weeks ago, that would be an upgrade

26 Jul 2024 10:59:39
Kilman played 127 games for Wolves between 2018-2024 going from a £40, 000 player to a £40 million pound player.
Craig Dawson has played 42 games for Wolves so if Kilman can’t play without Dawson has Lopetegui made a mistake and should he have signed Dawson for West Ham?

26 Jul 2024 11:16:55
Really E. Is that why the lost the last 10+ games including a quarter final loss to Coventry in the last minute. Can't and I don't blame him entirely but without Dawson alongside him he didn't look that great. Caught out of position and ball watching too many times.

26 Jul 2024 11:22:48
123 northst."so bear minimum being done again" - stop me if I'm wrong, but haven't Wolves signed three players already? Some PL clubs haven't made any signings as of yet.

26 Jul 2024 11:51:48
Didn't Dawson leave West Ham because his family lived in the Midlands?

Kilman was OK but he only got his opportunity because Coady, Boly and Saiss all moved on rather than Kilman taking their place.

26 Jul 2024 12:19:16
yes from kilmans money so zero from the owners in fosun we trust may apply to you but not me

26 Jul 2024 12:19:28
123 i'm sure you moan for the sake of it.

26 Jul 2024 12:28:43
123northst i'm not sure you understand the definition of bear minimum. Signing 4 player and looking to sign more definitely isn’t bear minimum.
And E In bridgenorth I thought you wanted us to be like villa who sell their high value players to be able to buy more. I think you need to make your mind up and maybe research the ffp rules teams have to adhere to, or do you still think we should just ignore them and take point deductions every season?

26 Jul 2024 14:19:27
Jeff Shi has told us not to expect consistent European football or trophies Goatmark.
This is whilst selling our high value players and replacing them with no PL experience increasing the entrance prices and going with a shirt supplier that no one has heard of to make even more profit.
This is not in line with our Midland rivals as you suggest.

26 Jul 2024 15:28:21
Stats can prove any point you manipulate it to.

In 22/23 Wolves finished 13th place with 41 points. We then sold or released Neves, Moutinho, Nunes, Collins, Coady, Raul and Adama for ££160m+.

We replaced them with Bueno, Bellegarde, Cunha, B Traore and Doyle and finish up a place lower in 14th but 5 points higher with 46 points meaning that playing wise, we improved.

Not all players have to cost big money.

26 Jul 2024 15:31:41
These high value players you talk about E, Jota, Neves, Kilman? They didn't have PL experience before we sold them. Look at the ones we've developed Gomes, RAN, H Bueno, Traore, Neto, etc.
Regarding the shirt supplier. Wasn't this our best sponsorship deal ever? Isn't this the way good business works and FFP now?

26 Jul 2024 15:52:26
Excuse me but isn't it bare as in naked, not bear as in grizzly.

26 Jul 2024 16:16:36
It is Mike, I realised after sending my response but figured it didn’t really matter. Also I thought I had replied to this thread, didn’t mean to start a new one incase anyone wondered.

26 Jul 2024 16:44:15
It's no good having a good sponsorship deal on shirts if sales drop dramatically blackfords, and from reading other posters, and by the amount of promos from the club reminding me they're for sale the new kit isn't flying as in other years. This will most probably even out over the season when protesting and holidays are over, especially if we enjoy a good one, but sadly a branded shirt carries abit more 'kudos' fom a buying/wearing point of view.
Maybe the profit margins are greater from the deal but being an oldie who has collected almost every shirt/replicas over time I'm finding it hard to be tempted by this seasons effort and am dreading the black wolf print 2nd strip if the leaked photos are to be believed.
As I say I'm an oldie and as such I'm also lamenting the loss of a membership card in order to save money and go digital. We'll, at least I'll have a drinks bottle and badge!.
Ps. I agree with your comments re players and sadly the business aspect with the shirts if it comes off.

26 Jul 2024 17:23:44
I bought the replica kit made by that world renowned clothing giant Bukta back in the 1990s.

26 Jul 2024 17:52:29
And the Nutmeg one!

26 Jul 2024 18:52:48
One of favourites was the dark nutmeg, goodyear with town (as was then) crest, wandering star. But, maybe because we we back in the prem, the adidas would be my favourite I think.

26 Jul 2024 19:32:58
My personal favourite is the Sky Blue 1991/92 away kit by Bukta because I was at the ground in either 94 or 95 and managed to get Peter Shirtliff, Geoff Thomas, Mike Stowell, Steve Bull, David Kelly, Mark Venus, Jamie Smith and John De Wolf to sign it.

27 Jul 2024 06:36:27
That was a catch WS, I hope you've got it framed or well preserved.will be worth a Bob or two.

New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube

25 Jul 2024 20:11:02
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new podcast entitled, New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube

24 Jul 2024 17:20:14
Here's a question if things go well in the USA and GON likes Guedes plus persuades Podence to stay. Plus another striker and CH would
people be happy I would.

24 Jul 2024 19:30:27
We just don't know what's gone on in the past. Guedes never wanted to be here in the 1st place but if he is prepared to knuckle down, then there is a decent player in there somewhere.

24 Jul 2024 20:02:50
Think people are already happy and looking forward to the new season Wolf 123.
Don’t think Podence will be here.
Guedes could have something to offer.
Don’t really need a CH as we have Toti Dawson Mosquera and Santi and GON is maybe looking to go to a back four.

25 Jul 2024 07:19:43
We know Dawson is good enough to play in a back four but the jury is out on the others. Toti is improving but still prone to positional errors, Santi needs to beef up and I'm sure we'd all like to see Mosquera play so that we can properly judge and assess him. Fingers crossed he's the answer

25 Jul 2024 10:26:40
Yerson had abit of a history discipline wise I believe and whereas I like no nonsense solid defending it's no help if he's suspended for spells. Toti as improved but needs his awareness to be abit sharper. I like Santi but he does goabout his business quietly. Matt is fine, but remember his age and expecttheodd injuries. I still think another experienced CB will be needed.

25 Jul 2024 16:38:12
Craig…. Matt was a rugby player. I’ve done the same in the past.

25 Jul 2024 17:43:19
Spotted goatmark, I'm always doing that duh!

24 Jul 2024 13:49:57
International airport we already have in. Dead easy to get to Wolves.
Could do with a decent hotel in the city.

24 Jul 2024 16:10:05
40, 000, possibly, the most we need, because these are different times to the 1950s or whatever! Cheeky question, what 5 connections do Richard Stearman and ConorCoady have? FWAW.

24 Jul 2024 16:59:57
Both Lec captains at some point?

24 Jul 2024 17:00:11
Both wolves captains at some point

24 Jul 2024 17:53:44
Halfpenny Green is not an international airport though.

24 Jul 2024 20:53:21
I always call it Wolverhampton International tbh

25 Jul 2024 17:21:36
Both played for wolves, Leicester, Sheffield United, and Huddersfield at some stage.

Chelsea FC breakdown of KEEP, LOAN, SELL, BUY

24 Jul 2024 07:39:16
{Ed's Note - ChelseaFC has posted a new article entitled, Chelsea FC breakdown of KEEP, LOAN, SELL, BUY

24 Jul 2024 02:08:00
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The club needs to improve the match day experience. Better and bigger stadium is a must.

24 Jul 2024 06:59:44
And a hotel. An international airport, would that be too much to ask?

24 Jul 2024 08:42:56
Do not forget the bikini clad waitresses to fetch your pie and your pint.

24 Jul 2024 09:43:18
Molineux used to hold over 60, 000 and was surrounded by houses.
The footprint is plenty big enough to expand.
Spurs did it.

24 Jul 2024 09:49:27
A bigger better half full stadium dosnt enhance the matchday experience Nando. It's about balance and finances as bullysboy outlines below. I want to see the game on the pitch reflected in the atmosphere and if we're doing well that would maybe warrant the bigger crowd, when we're doing badly it'd be a huge on-cost every game a possibly a 'ghost' ground. Be careful what you wish for. But certainly the mol could do with a 'tidying up'. A lick of paint wouldn't go amiss.

24 Jul 2024 09:52:05
That'll be Halfpenny Green International Airport and Farty Towels Hotel.

baza well have a Hooters Bar and Restaurant.

24 Jul 2024 09:58:58
Sorry Nando but as a 20th century ‘Dinosaur’ who has recently given up their s/t I really don’t understand what a match day experience is. It used to be standing in a 40-50, 000 crowd passionately supporting the Wolves and hoping they won and played well.

24 Jul 2024 10:22:29
E, didn't Spurs purchase the land which had some derelict buildings and then spend over £1b to win nothing. No point having a big stadium if the team is rubbish. Wolves will find it a lot harder to expand the stadium outwards due to existing buildings. I can't see Wolverhampton Uni or Asda wanting to move very easily. Spurs were lucky as there was land available to build exactly what they wanted. Wolves are not in the same position.

24 Jul 2024 11:48:38
Photos of the ground from the 1950’s show houses in Molineux street almost touching the Molineux Street stand.
The South Bank used to hold 30, 000 alone and the land didn’t disappear when Sir Jack built the new South Bank.
The land is still there.
There is no need to move the Asda as the North Bank car park is huge with plenty of land.
The Steve Bull stand needs the pitch moving closer to it so the University buildings wouldn’t need to move.
Why did the previous owner SM who knows a bit about building start the new stadium if he thought there wasn’t enough land to complete the job?

24 Jul 2024 12:20:46
James Rodriguez, anyone

24 Jul 2024 12:39:37
You seem to have forgotten about seating E. In round terms, a seat takes up the space of two standing people so an all seater stadium of 30, 000 would equate to a 60, 000 standing capacity.Pricing strategy also needs to be factored in and it will be interesting to see if the recent major hike has an impact on attendances.While it would be nice to have a bigger and better stadium, success doesn't hinge on that.Bayer Leverkeusen have managed to win the Bundesliga on a 30, 000 capacity which is much smaller than many German clubs, Girona have managed to qualify for the Champions League on a less than 15, 000 capacity, so have Atalanta on 21, 500. Arguably, the standard of the German, Spanish and Italian leagues is better than the Premier League at the moment. Success above all else hinges on having a top scouting network to unearth gems at an early stage.We seem to be edging towards being able to do this now that the failed buy big policy has been consigned to the rubbish bin.

24 Jul 2024 13:03:33
A good point but didn't he only want a 40k capacity. Fosun are looking for a 55-60k capacity.

I don't know the answer but it seems that the owners will never be popular no matter what they decide.

If they build the stadium, they'll be accused of neglecting the playing squad.

If they invest in the squad, they be accused of ignoring the fans pleas for a bigger stadium.

I wouldn't use Villa as an example as they are still in danger of breaching PSR. Their stadium expansion is possible as it is a subsidiary company that owns the ground, not Villa themselves.

Arsenal built a massive new stadium but have never won the League since.

Spurs have spent £1b on a new stadium and they've got worse year on year.

Bolton a few years ago built a lovely new stadium. Where are they now? Ditto Huddersfield, Reading and Portsmouth.

Also what benefit would a big new stadium be to you as you clearly lambast the owners about everything they ever do from signing new players to arranging the biggest shirt sponsorship in our history.

24 Jul 2024 13:10:25
Your right E, Morgan did know about building sadly he new a lot less than Fosun about squad building. Which is precisely why we ended up with one of the best stadiums in League One! There's no easy route to success guys, it took Fosun a while to realise that and they are currently trying to cut the cloth accordingly. Yes I would like a better stadium but it still wouldn't make any difference to our transfer budgets/league standing I'm afraid.

24 Jul 2024 13:28:42
Why did the club release photos of how the stadium could look at the end of dinner awards 2018/19 saying they were planning to expand to 50, 000 with a single tier South Bank if they knew it couldn’t be done?
The first step was going to be to knock down the Steve Bull so thankfully someone stopped them doing that.

24 Jul 2024 13:37:31
I could probably fit 40 people in my shed, but if they all brought a deck chair, 25 of them would be sitting on my lawn

24 Jul 2024 13:52:53
Didn't Fosun come out and say that they are putting the plans on hold as they want to explore all options.

The plans you mention do indeed have a single tier South Bank. I know Covid made the club rethink as the finances suffered.

Hopefully there are fans afoot.

24 Jul 2024 14:10:50
Any more info on the Chalobah signing WS?

24 Jul 2024 14:59:40
No. It's now being reported that he's in talks with Villa.

24 Jul 2024 15:01:54
As I said, it was just a rumour. I'm not ITK or anything. Just thought a rumour of a transfer would fulfil the criteria for a rumours site.

23 Jul 2024 15:43:01
Wondering why some clubs can increase capacity of their stadiums generating more income, spend money on players and compete for European qualification where they can generate even more money, while Wolves under Fosun can do none of the above, their reasons for doing nothing is mystifying.

23 Jul 2024 17:38:11
Which teams have done this?

23 Jul 2024 18:26:12
its called lack of ambition over to you jeff moxshi

23 Jul 2024 18:29:55
Was wondering the same.

23 Jul 2024 19:27:38
Weren't the club looking to expand the stadium a few years ago only for Covid to thwart the plans. I thought they were looking to expand the stadium in the same way Liverpool did, namely build the shell behind the existing stands but one of the major problems was the dual carriageway.

23 Jul 2024 20:14:35
The cost of construction materials has skyrocketed since Brexit, given that and the lack of skilled professionals has bent prices for projects have gone through the roof (I'm a construction professional).

Look at the number of small/medium construction companies that have gone into administration.

It would make no sense to expand the Molineaux right now.

23 Jul 2024 21:28:29

23 Jul 2024 21:36:31
When will be a good time to expand Molineux then Fordhouse Jack?
Will building material costs come down in future?
Is this why Everton ended up in trouble by building a new stadium while building materials are high?
Would Everton have been better off waiting for a better opportunity?

23 Jul 2024 23:12:43
I think the difference between Everton and ourselves is that Everton have decided to move location whereas Fosun want to stay where we are so there are limitations such as existing buildings and roads.

23 Jul 2024 23:13:25
The other option is to build a new ground elsewhere in the city, but where?

24 Jul 2024 06:39:59
Or wait for the Gov't to get behind hosting one of the big sporting events. Ask them to build a 60-70 thousand stadium in Wolverhampton and when it's redundant ask them nicely to give it to us. Tongue in cheek but that's how WHU got theirs isn't it. Extra capacity from Upton park. They moaned about the move at first, but don't hear many moaning now. Extra capacity equals extra revenue equals greater spending power equals opportunity to get players. Apologies but I get a bit bitter when some of the chosen few get an unfair advantage when have to find a way.

{Ed001's Note - and City got theirs on the free.}

24 Jul 2024 07:14:33
For me, of all of Fosun's broken promises, I find their lack of investment in the club's facilities the hardest to swallow! Sorry, but it is a shambles that the most they've spent on the stadium was to recondition a temp stand after they let it become unsafe and are still using said (uncovered) temp stand!

Half of the problem, however is that I suspect they've realised the same thing that many other owners have; that ticket sales aren't a huge part of a club's overall income. In 2023, Wolves made £15.1m on the gates, whereas they made £125m for broadcasting (rights and league distributions)! Not even comparable, is it! We even made £13.3m just in sponsors and advertising that season, again nearing a season's worth of gate receipts.

So whilst like everyone else I would love to see Fosun finally do the work the stadium desperately needs, in real terms a new/revamped few stands would likely add (at best) £5-10m in extra gate money a season. That barely covers a signing on fee for some players these days! Oh btw, once you take out the likely repayments for the loan they'd take to do the work, you can probs write off that extra £5-10m, anyway!

Here in lies the problem. We all want the stadium sorted, but it's not an easy route to financial security and the next level. Quite the opposite, get it wrong and you're playing in a lower league for a half empty stadium! 👍

24 Jul 2024 09:40:06
m54 top of Stafford road

24 Jul 2024 11:40:25
If you have to close each existing stand for a season to add a few thousand extra seats, it's going to be 3 to 4 years and multi millions in cash spent on top of lost gate receipts before any benefit is realised. In truth Covid was probably the best time to develop at least one stand as nobody was at the matches.

25 Jul 2024 07:31:34
What happened to the rail seating proposal? Or was it just a dream I had?

{Ed001's Note - rail seating doesn't increase capacity.}

25 Jul 2024 10:44:45
So the reports and fanfare of a few years ago was something about nothing? Sorry. Will go back to sleep now.

{Ed001's Note - it was about 'safe' standing, but that does not increase capacity.}

25 Jul 2024 14:30:54
As long as it looks good on the tele.

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