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Ken68's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Ken68's rumours posts


05 Jul 2022 14:58:57
Wolves web site is down atm.

Assume something is happening or it's just broken for some reason.
We will see in due course I guess!


1.) 05 Jul 2022 15:28:07
Back up working again, nothing changed sadly!

2.) 05 Jul 2022 17:43:47
Not paid the bill



03 Jul 2022 19:03:08
Again probably just clickbait but a bit about our apparent interest in David Carmo. The article states that he has traits of Van Dijk, I just hope it's Virgil and not Dick that they mean!


1.) 03 Jul 2022 21:20:36
Deals are being worked on Ken.
All this doom and gloom is laughable.
We need players that improve us not just any old player for the sentiment.
Carmo,Nunes,Madeuke and Icardi would be a dream window for us. Can se ethers though to strengthen the squad.

2.) 03 Jul 2022 21:38:17
Tbh it always seems our signings come out of nowhere. And a lot of youth.

That's the problem. Nobody knows and all we know is that it's going to be another transfer window of clicking and waiting. And unfortunately being linked to every Mendez client or world class flop going.

I mean we do need a defender. We needed another one before Siass left. Now we really need one. We needed a midfielder before this situation with Mout and now we really need another!

But got to keep the faith. And hope that Lage has the financial backing. And hope beyond hope that we can sell the dream to Nunez and others if we are in talks.

Wish I could hibernate until Sept and get it over with. Ahhh remember when we got Neves? Wasn't that an awesome window.



23 May 2022 14:49:47
Wonder what's happened regarding Pedrinho I think his name is. The player from Shaktar Donetsk we were supposed to be keen on. I know he went home to Brazil when it kicked off in Ukraine. Anyone got any idea.

Ed001 or others any rumours?


{Ed001's Note - I haven't mate, I haven't heard anything lately.}

1.) 23 May 2022 15:35:35
No Ken, not a dicky bird. It sounded initially like everyone was quite keen but nothing further at the moment from what I've seen.

2.) 23 May 2022 16:29:08
So far we've been linked to Guedes, Palhinha, Pedrinho, Bassey, Ryan Kent and Almeira.

3.) 24 May 2022 14:46:42
And.so far we have signed no one .same old same old



27 Apr 2022 18:11:49
I see the latest clickbait is Neves would love to go to Barcelona even if it was a loan!
I wouldn't lend them a library book frankly! Jeff was stupid letting Adama go without guarantees they are a slippery slimy club to deal with. Money up front or f off in my opinion!


1.) 27 Apr 2022 20:35:51
As you say Ken, clickbait. Neves doesn't need to go 'on loan' to any club.
There'll be plenty queuing up for his services should the opportunity arise and pay top money, which Barcelona can't afford. That, of course may also be a contributory factor in the Traore affair.

2.) 27 Apr 2022 21:12:18
Now being 'linked' to Spurs by anther website who suggest Neves could take his game to the next level there. Yeah, like Doherty and Nuno did.

3.) 27 Apr 2022 21:38:48
Surely not Spurs he wants top 3 or the big European clubs but hopefully will stay at Wolves

4.) 03 May 2022 06:03:22
Well if neves goes,lage will follow because it will prove found have no plan or ambition



21 Jan 2022 16:49:07
Dammit he's gone 20m plus add ons.
Sad, great shame going to miss him. Plus listen to my Spurs fan son, not what I wanted to hear
Wish he gone abroad.


1.) 21 Jan 2022 17:34:59
Seems not yet, silly me believed Football Insider will probably still happen though I suspect. Sadly!

2.) 21 Jan 2022 18:10:38
Sorry to see him leave for a rival but he is not good enough, we have better footballers in the club in his position,but he was exciting to watch but provided little in the end. Surprised he didn't hold out for Barca.

3.) 22 Jan 2022 10:01:09
Looks like no more signings, not that it’s a bad thing. The good news is Toti Gomes is staying until the end of the season.

I’d say this summer we’ll see more incomings.

4.) 22 Jan 2022 12:56:07
By the summer we might not need much in the way of signings, Jonny, Neto and Yerson back, Jordao and Cundle coming up, Gomes securing his place. It's looking promising, only perhaps a Moutinho replacement and a striker ( if Chiquinho not up to scratch.

5.) 22 Jan 2022 13:04:55
I have to agree with you Mikebayleaf, why spend millions when the talent is already there? will need a replacement for João Moutinho. He’s almost 36, could maybe get one more season out of him, but it’s a position that needs to be addressed.

6.) 23 Jan 2022 23:28:42
Very true Debs but I'm not sure how you fix a problem like Joao to be honest?! He is without doubt the closest thing to a world class player we've had at the club in my life time (for me he still is on his day, like this wkend but age catches up with us all). To replace a player like that either takes an obscene amount of money or an obscene amount of luck, let's hope for the later eh! He brings SO much to this squad, I would LOVE to see him take his badges with us and stay on in a coaching role ?

7.) 24 Jan 2022 15:48:08
Maybe we can get another season out of Joao if he's used sparingly. Possibly Bruno Jordao can be introduced on a gradual basis for the last 20 min or so of games when he is fully fit.

8.) 25 Jan 2022 17:09:24
Like traore ain't gone anywhere yet, and I don't believe he will. Spurs, to sit on the bench with the doc. Spurs are no better than the wolves.




Ken68's banter posts with other poster's replies to Ken68's banter posts


22 Jul 2024 17:54:48
Apparently Newcastle want 11m for Callum Wilson. Worth a punt? I know he has an injury history but when he plays he scores.


1.) 22 Jul 2024 18:31:31
He is 32 Ken and just had surgery on his back ruling him out of the start of the season.
11 million is too much.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 18:33:56
Not at 11mil at 32/32 he is coming to the end that's why they are geting rid, I will getxa few goals but I also think che addams would have done not thatvi realy wanted him at the club but on a free would have been better business

3.) 22 Jul 2024 18:58:12
A great player when fit, but he's a sick note.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 19:38:26
Agreed, I just wondered what people thought. Personally I wanted Adams on a free, he would have been ideal.

5.) 23 Jul 2024 01:53:52
Swap him for Silva.

6.) 23 Jul 2024 03:35:19
Iv just read that wolves have had a deal on the table with addams for over a month with him messing about and not signing so it was us that pulled out, they aren't prepared to wate so may have another target

7.) 23 Jul 2024 08:39:09
he was a donkey anyway



03 Feb 2024 16:49:08
Well done Joe Hodge subbed on at 57 minutes scored in the 64th. Not a bad start at QPR.,




14 Jan 2024 18:38:52
Anyone know if Super Mario is likely to be back for the cup replay?


1.) 15 Jan 2024 08:14:32
Reading this morning that he's still with his family and not expected to play tomorrow ken68. It was a post on browser so I'm not 100% certain of authenticity. It's important for him to come back when he's ready of course.

2.) 15 Jan 2024 16:11:04
Back in training today Abbey GON rates him at 50%. Maybe on the bench or Gary playing games, who knows. Though he rates Bueno and Dawson the same but I'm pretty sure they will play. They were both on the training camp. Camp being a very loose word for that campsite!?

3.) 15 Jan 2024 17:37:51
Fingers crossed then ken68. And, I'll trust you on the campsite, I'm not looking that up while I'm in the pub.



01 Jan 2024 11:08:56
Happy New Year to everyone.

On thinking about the transfer window if we sign a number nine just who do you drop to play him? Oh and why? I think at the moment it's easy as Hwang is away but when he returns I think it's quite an interesting question.


1.) 01 Jan 2024 11:53:35
Given Fabio Silva is now out on loan, and Sasa Kalajdzic is apparently going out on loan to Eintracht Frankfurt, we've only got Nathan Frazier. I think it's only a matter of time a nr.9 comes in, otherwise FS or So wouldn't be allowed to go out on loan. That's my thought on the situation.

2.) 01 Jan 2024 13:22:42
Competition for places and injury. Looking at the way GON wants us to play breaking with pace especially the last 3 games not sure SASA fits that bill. Good question who gets dropped?
My guess nobody especially on current form. Whoever comes in will be to make the bench stronger and take their opportunity when it arrives. A good example is Sarabia who looks an absolute bargain now given an extended run due to Neto's injury. Is it fair to drop Sarabia for Neto on current form?
I think it's equally important that any new signings fit into the great team spirit that the current players have.

3.) 01 Jan 2024 14:17:16
Sasa isn't going anywhere, GON has already stated he is in their plans and isn't going anywhere unless a too good to turn down offer comes in.

4.) 01 Jan 2024 19:47:46
Only in plans short term, Rated. It's surely obvious to all and sundry that a fairly static beanpole, albeit a good finisher, just doesn't fit into the style of play O'Neil is developing.Wish him well but we've had our fill of square pegs into round holes.

5.) 02 Jan 2024 18:00:43
So does Gary have a Plan B?

6.) 02 Jan 2024 18:01:55
Maybe Sasa is being kept for when Gary leaves.

7.) 02 Jan 2024 18:02:57
Static beanpole? He scored lots of goals in Germany.
What a foolish comment!

8.) 02 Jan 2024 22:45:59
Relatively speaking yes he is static and relatively speaking at 6ft 6in plus he is a beanpole. If you can't see that he doesn't fit into our style of play then you're not watching closely. Scoring goals in Germany has no relevance to the point being made.
As for foolish comments, I think your earlier one above is right up there. Where's he going by the way?



30 Dec 2023 17:14:21
9 points out of 9 in six days! I keep thinking I'm going to wake up because it's a dream!

Well done Wolves a magnificent performance from our team against the odds. These lads are a special group and long may they keep providing us with the great results like these.


1.) 30 Dec 2023 17:44:11
Wow. They were superb all over the pitch, a performance for mario lamina. Well done all of them
Proud to be a wolves fan

2.) 30 Dec 2023 18:16:00
It looks like GON has been working on attacking play throughout the side, both Kilman and Dawson getting on the scoresheet. Congratulations to all the players and management team. Condolences to Mario Lamina and his family.

3.) 30 Dec 2023 21:38:42
You are right. Our CBs running into striking positions showed our confidence. Everton weren't great but we never used to pressure teams like that enough. Now we score 3 after the 4 a few days ago.




Ken68's rumour replies


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23 Jul 2024 20:10:19
I did read a couple of weeks ago that it may be September after the transfer window is over before GoN's contract situation is sorted. Getting the squad done first was deemed more important.




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28 Jun 2024 22:44:52
3m loan deal with 27m option to buy which will go into next year's accounts. Hopefully this sort of deal helps increase the squad size and reduce sales of players we wish to keep.




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01 Feb 2024 16:05:20
Very typical of the South American market. Too many fingers in the pie when it comes to transfers.


{Ed002's Note - Yuri Alberto (F) Bit part player whose goals have dried up this year. Sanfrecce Hiroshima made an approach to take him to replace Pieros Sotiriou in their foreign quota. Wolves have been "advised" he would be a good option to take on loan, but they would need to offer an obligation rather than an option to buy. I am not aware of Everton interest and it would be a huge risk.}



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31 Jan 2024 15:39:11
Looks a possibility Old Wolf he's played with both Gomes and Cunha for Brazil so I'm sure Gary and Matt will have spoken about him to them. tbh probably as good if not better than spending 35 mill on Broja cwho may not come good. Certainly knows how to find the net from his YouTube clips. Good positioning sense by the looks of him. Worth a punt.




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23 Jan 2024 21:37:26
When Cunha was booked it was described as ridiculous by Mikey. Tommo and Tom King. The sad part is there will be no consequences for the referee and his assistants they seem to be untouchable. It's time that changed. it won't though mainly because there isn't enough of them available to cover all the matches.





Ken68's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 09:52:05
That'll be Halfpenny Green International Airport and Farty Towels Hotel.

baza well have a Hooters Bar and Restaurant.




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22 Jul 2024 19:38:26
Agreed, I just wondered what people thought. Personally I wanted Adams on a free, he would have been ideal.




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22 Jul 2024 16:10:34
I would say that on balance Fosun's ownership has been positive the downsides have been in their lack of knowledge in running a football club. They have made mistakes in their time in charge but I would say that at last they now have a hierarchy that could prove to be a success in the way the club is run.
I must admit I was a bit surprised at the 140m pounds wage bill and I wonder where it goes, can't see the first team squad costing more than 65-70m per year. I know that we have a lot of coaches cascading down the age groups but they can't account for where the other millions go to. Probably have to ask Jeff but not likely to get an answer I would have thought! The costs of running the club must be massive, just looking at the last few weeks for example. First team squad in Marbella flying out on a jet charter this year whereas last year they flew Ryanair. The only reason I know is my interest in aviation. We also had two age groups in Bratislava again quite costly I would imagine. Though again that cost doesn't come from the wages budget. All I can suggest as to where it goes if Jeff must have big pockets (joke)
At the moment I hope they get GON to sign a new contract get rid of certain players and bring a few more and I'll be very happy with the way Fosun a running the club. It's taken a while but I think we are back to just prior to Seville. We've just lost a few years!




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11 Jul 2024 17:22:56
I think if you read the papers it was a penalty! Pointless arguing about it, it was given and these days with VAR who knows what they are thinking when they make these decisions. Just be thankful it went our way for once. The goal from Watkins deserved to win the game anyway!




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09 Jul 2024 18:34:48
It will be interesting to see how GON sets the team up. He has been very clever with his tactics during the past season and if he does switch to a back four I would expect that he may switch between three and four at the back during different phases of the game. With Toti being well able to play at left back presumably with Ryan in front of him that would certainly make it very flexible on that side of the pitch. On the right it is likely to depend on what happens with Neto. It's going to be a very interesting start to the season with the tough start we have!




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