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29 Apr 2024 18:52:10

Are any of you able to give a simple version of the new Spending Cap?

On the radio, it said it is the prize money from the League only which will be multiplied by an as yet to be agreed number.

Jas M

{Ed002's Note - It works on the principle of overall 85% of revenue being spent by clubs not in Europe on wages for the player playing staff, amortised transfer fees (which can be spread over the length of the contract) and fees paid to agents and other representatives. For the clubs in Europe the figure drops to 70% (to meet UEFA rules). Details are still being worked on, particularly if a more contraversial salary cap is to be agreed - and that is perhaps what you heard on the radio.

The plan on the table limits clubs spending on salaries and fees (so not transfer fees to a multiple of the Broadcast earnings of the bottom club from the previous season - the figure used in an example was 6 - so the example of Norwich from last season would be £94M x 6 - which is £564M. If it were 5 it would drop to £470M.}

1.) 30 Apr 2024 12:21:50
Cheers Ed.

{Ed002's Note - You are welcome.}

2.) 30 Apr 2024 14:59:47
Thankyou ED for taking the time to explain the new rules.

{Ed002's Note - You are welcome - and there will be more changes.}



26 Mar 2024 22:19:50
A lot of paper talk stating that Man Utd want to speak to GON regarding a role at Old Trafford.

Eds, is there anything in this or is it just clickbait?

Jas M

{Ed002's Note - I am not aware of any interest and he is not one of the coaches they have been looking at.}

1.) 27 Mar 2024 11:04:57
Why would he leave a job as a manager to go and play 2nd fiddle to another manager in a coach role? Doesn’t make sense.

2.) 27 Mar 2024 11:06:40
Bizarrely Jas it reads like they are suggesting that they would take Southgate and then GON would join him as a route of succession to the top job (replacing Southgate long term). Seems nonsensical to me as that (literally) wouldn't really suit any of the parties involved! Why would GON want to leave a Managers role to be a back up plan which in all reality would never happen anyway?! Very weird, it basically feels like they have no actual jobs to realistically tie him with so now they are just creating roles to tie him with?! Standard paper talk ?

3.) 27 Mar 2024 13:31:03
The rumour came from ESPN take it with a very large pinch of salt they've never been right about anything Wolves related.

4.) 27 Mar 2024 14:12:32
If the rumour about GON wanted for a coaching role at Man U is true, it's completely disrespectful and even laughable. He's nobody's number two! GON is going nowhere for now. And, if we play our cards right and sell well/invest well in the summer, Gary can take us into the top six next season. We've seen what he can do without a preseason at Bournemouth and Wolves; imagine what he can do when properly prepared and backed.

5.) 27 Mar 2024 14:21:34
Probably speculation based on GON looking for an improved Wolves deal.

6.) 29 Mar 2024 17:10:44
do well to get that odd jeff shi blues are on about a new ground more then the wolves owners doing

7.) 29 Mar 2024 21:56:52
Haha, anyone can talk about things. Blues have also 'talked' about getting promoted! Judge an owner by there achievements rather than there hyperbole! Besides which, what use will a new ground be to Brum when they are playing in League One excalty?! ?



21 Mar 2024 17:03:12
Apparently Liverpool are looking to sign players who may or may not fit into the new managers plans whilst Jim Ratcliffe is buying players for Man Utd even though he isn't sure who he wants as his manager.

Rumours have started that Ratcliffe wants to sign Joao Gomes for £40m.

I think he's undervalued him by £100m

Jas M

1.) 22 Mar 2024 06:37:35
I get the rumour part, £40m seems to be undervalued.

Wolves don't need to sell to comply with PSR rules (formerly FFP). So if they do decode to sell, it won't be for "fire sale" rates.

2.) 23 Mar 2024 11:31:55
The Sun reporting Klopp has recommended RAN as a liverpool signing, that said does anyone connected to Liverpool deal with the Sun.

{Ed001's Note - no. But they are happy to steal any story they see anywhere else, so it doesn't necessarily mean that someone spoke to them direct. They could have made it up or read someone else saying it.}

3.) 23 Mar 2024 12:57:52
So incoming managers have to make due with players they never chose? Why is that an issue with Gary, then? Is he special?

4.) 23 Mar 2024 13:51:22
Don't ever mention the Sun in Liverpool.



19 Mar 2024 18:43:53
Wolves keeping an eye on Eddie Nketiah who has been told he can leave Arsenal.

Wolves looking to offload Fabio Silva for £15m

Both rumours by Talking Wolves.

Jas M

1.) 19 Mar 2024 21:01:20
I think they would be making a mistake with Nketiah, unless he can play centre half! .May as well stick with Silva.

2.) 19 Mar 2024 22:04:42
My thoughts to.

3.) 20 Mar 2024 10:41:37
Be just like aesenal to offer him in a player/cash deal for neto

4.) 20 Mar 2024 10:52:44
Unless the circumstances are unusual a club like Arsenal wouldn't let a top player go.

5.) 20 Mar 2024 12:10:13
That's the problem. Nketiah isn't a top player.

6.) 20 Mar 2024 13:07:11
Exactly Jas!



14 Jan 2024 20:19:29
Some so called expert was on radio earlier stating that he was reliably informed that:

Everton will win their appeal against 10 point deduction but be given a 4 point deduction following the latest PSR report as they breached by £100m.

Forest to get a 6 point deduction for breaching by £62m

Wolves to be deducted 15 points for £2m breach.

Arsenal are £200m over limit and Villa £250 but both have been shown leniency because they will potentially end up in Champions League positions.

He stated that all 3 will launch an appeal and that he has heard that the PL want Wolves out for some reason.

Jas M

1.) 14 Jan 2024 22:34:07
That's just mischief making. They can't get away with giving forest 6 point deduction for 62 million breach and WW 15 points for 2 million breach. They'd be sued to death. We have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. Cut the speculation.

2.) 14 Jan 2024 23:06:51
Jas M you nearly gave me a heart attack!

Information on BBC stating Everton and Nottingham Forest expect to be told that they have exceeded the ‘’ffp loss levels ’, another report stated possibly Fulham and Aston Villa as well. Here’s hoping Wolves did enough with the sales at the start of the season.

3.) 15 Jan 2024 01:03:11
This has to be some sort of a conspiracy rumour. There is no way that could be true? It just would make no sense for docking so many points compared to others? And why does the PL want us gone?

4.) 15 Jan 2024 06:26:46
Latest from the Athletic is Everton and Forest will be told they have been found guilty today.
Both knew it was coming and have already prepared their Appeal cases.
All the conjecture should be cleared up in a couple of hours.

5.) 15 Jan 2024 06:45:24
Fingers crossed ?

6.) 15 Jan 2024 07:18:54
Only online resource reporting Wolves and breach of FFP is the iNews, while a lot more are carrying the Everton / Forest story.

As for the PL wanting Wolves out, that's 100% toilet water (aimed at whatever "expert" made that comment)

7.) 15 Jan 2024 10:52:10
Obviously until our accounts for the 22/23 season are annouced it is only speculation but the rumour in the Telegraph was that we would/have lose/t £65m in 22/23.
Given prior year figures of £46m loss in 21/22 and £21m profit in 20/21, (Note both these figures are also impacted by Covid - fixtures moved from 1 year to another amongst other thngs - and thus may attract some "allowance"), we should be comfortably inside the £105m rolling three year losses allowed?
Note this £105m is made up of £5m pa of straight forward losses and £30m pa of owner back losses - given Fosun wrote off more than that I assume that counts as "backing".
There are also adjustments allowed for certain things like ladies football, academy work etc etc
Please be aware however that the sale of Nunes, Neves etc are in the year 23/24 and thus are not included in these figures.
Those sales were made because in 23/24 our FFP position will be made up of the £46m loss in 21/2 the £65m loss in 22/23 and whatever outcome occurs in 23/24.
Simple maths says £46 + £65 is already more than £105! Hence we have to make a small profit, >£6m, this year 23/24 and the sales were designed to ensure that.
Again it is unclear if we have done enough as obviously a large chunk of our income is results dependentand thus unknown until the end f the season in May 24.
Hopefully management are on the ball and that will determine our activity this Jan i.e. do we have to sell Kilman or Neto now!
Next year 24/25 the £46m drops out of the 3 year cycle leaving us a £65m loss and this years >£6m profit ie we have a fair bit of wriggle room so may not have to sell anyone in the summer and could even make apurchase or two!
All above based on grey assumptions as I am not privy to Wolves finacical affairs beyond the published accounts.

8.) 15 Jan 2024 11:08:31
Great research there, futureisoldgold.

9.) 15 Jan 2024 11:32:01
Here here echo Deep Throat reply.

10.) 15 Jan 2024 12:20:44
future. Thank you, even I can understand that! Makes a change!

11.) 15 Jan 2024 13:25:53
Keen did a article stating Wolves owners expect Wolves to pass the ffp.

12.) 16 Jan 2024 02:25:13
I don't know how trustworthy the source is but on twitter the Wolfpack has announced 10hours ago that wolves are clear of ffp following transfer sales etc

{Ed001's Note - it would have been announced if they were in trouble.}




Jas M's banter posts with other poster's replies to Jas M's banter posts


25 May 2024 14:29:21
Lopetegui already considering his future at West Ham if you believe the media.

It is alleged that he was promised £100m transfer funds plus whatever money was brought in by the sale of Paqueta.

As it seems that Paqueta is facing a lengthy ban, he won't be able to be sold so JL is due to have talks with the owners to see how the plans have changed.

Jas M

1.) 25 May 2024 14:50:36
Premier League football head coach wants to bring in players to improve the team to enable them to compete with other clubs.

2.) 25 May 2024 15:10:42
You just have to comment on everything I post don't you E.

But the point is that it's being reported that Lopetegui wasn't aware of Paquetas possible ban and so he is mulling over his options as he was relying on the money from that particular transfer (£85m) to fund incoming moves. Nothing more, nothing less.

3.) 25 May 2024 15:31:19
Maybe we will sign the two full backs from WHU that you asked for then Jas to replace the ever present last season Captain Kilman.

4.) 25 May 2024 15:33:29
You have a choice, vote with your feet.

Personally I didn't renew my northbank s/to few seasons back. Var spoilt it for me.had enough of it.

Been going to the yeltz, simple pleasures pie n a pint standing with your mates.

You would be surprised, how many wolves villa albion refugees their are. The prem, champ is either not affordable/enjoyable for many.

5.) 25 May 2024 15:58:24
You forgot to mention the Centre Back I suggested though didn't you E? But to be fair to you, Coufal is listed as a Full Back but has played CB on a number of occasions.

You must have been beside yourself when Nuno utilised Coady in defence considering he started as a Midfielder.

You must hate Semedo pushing forward seeing as he's a full back.

How did you feel 20 years ago when Kenny Miller was asked to play on the wings?

Maybe, just maybe I suggested Johnson to replace AIT and Coufal to cover both CB and Full Back position but the additional money would help purchase another player for a position we need strengthening.

6.) 25 May 2024 16:05:15
Doesn't surprise me with that yellow bellied coward tbh Jas.

7.) 25 May 2024 16:19:22
Lopetegui dosnt seem to find out about the clubs he joins, or he's easily duped. WHU must have known the player was being charged, then it was in the press too. Another 'amicable' pay off just before the season starts? I wouldn't mind kilman going for the swaps jas, it would bolster our defence.

8.) 25 May 2024 16:23:12
J-Lo surely can't be surprised? every person and their dog knew about these charges. The difference seems to be selling Paqueta was a way of rasing money. Which has gone to pot now.

9.) 25 May 2024 19:14:30
Nice way to get easy money though. Guess if he does spit his dummy out and walk they'll have to pay him off AGAIN.



23 May 2024 21:33:53
I for one really hope that Lopetegui does come in for Kilman.

£20m plus Coufal and Johnson will suffice.

Jas M

1.) 24 May 2024 06:23:06
Jas, agree, if they could get £45m it would be good business. I have been really disappointed in his lack of leadership qualities and seems to need a Dawson or a Coady alongside him to perform well.

2.) 24 May 2024 09:23:11
O'Shea from Burnley, Coufal from West Ham or Lascalles from Newcastle. Any one of these should be considered as they will improve our defence.

3.) 24 May 2024 10:31:27
I agree with RugeleyWolf2 - Kilman does need an experienced head beside him when playing.

I'm not sure about O'Shea but I agree with Coufal or Lascelles (to Jas M's point)

The defence does need to be addressed.

4.) 24 May 2024 11:30:00
Re: Lascalles Jas buddy nice idea but not likely. He did his ACL in March and is expected to be out for 6-9 months, which for an already injury prone player is a pretty serious injury at 30 years old!
Its a shame but to be honest if he hadn't had problems with injuries I suspect he'd be playing a pretty prominent role at Newc, cause he was a quality CB! ?

5.) 24 May 2024 12:36:39
Didn't realise he was out for so long. I though he was back for the start of the new season but you're right, he's out until January.

Hopefully GON has his targets.



21 May 2024 12:33:19
Quansah in the provisional squad ahead of Kilman?

I might not be Kilmans' biggest fan but he is clearly better than Quansah.

Southgate really is a joker.

Jas M

1.) 21 May 2024 14:19:51
Standard behaviour for Southgate! Never mind that's Kilman was captain of a Prem team whilst Quansah was on loan in League One this time last year! All that matters is that Quansah is on the books for a top four club! It's a joke and makes SUCH mockery of Gareths original position of 'doesn't matter who they play for, just about the player'! Really Garteth because if Maguire had gone to WHU at the start of this season there is absolutely NO way he still starts in this England team! Yawn yawn, same old same old broken footy! ?

2.) 21 May 2024 17:48:21
If Kilman moves to either Man Utd or Spurs as rumoured, then he will be named in the England squad by the end of next season. Likewise, if Tommy Doyle has played a few games for Man City like Rico Lewis has rather than regularly for Wolves, he'd be called up too.

I'm surprised Eze, Wharton and Guehi have all been call up, but then again, all 3 have been linked to moves to the big 6 clubs.

3.) 21 May 2024 18:41:16
Eze is class. Wharton is very good but this is far too early for him and he won’t make the cuts. Guehi is a good player so have no issues. Kilman simply only plays well with a leader next to him. No surprise he has not been called up to be honest.

4.) 21 May 2024 19:52:38
Really Vb, whereas a Tyrone Mings is world class is he?! Or a player who was plying his trade at Bristol Rovers this time last year is more equipped to deal with the pressure is he?! I think your missing our point, we aren't saying Kilman is worlds class. But then not a single one of the Engs back line is world class! So you might have thought Gareth would have given at least ONE chance to one of the ONLY naturally left footed CBs in the league who is also captain of his club?

5.) 21 May 2024 21:30:38
Sooner the better the euros is over.
Then Southgate can clear off
Get someone, who doesn't have his cronies in mind.
Who play in respective if they good, bad, playing week in week out, or not played a game

6.) 22 May 2024 02:04:39
Even when Killman was at the top of hos game and we all was singing his praises gormless Southgate still never called him up.
Southgate goes by club not player form and this is why England will never win a trophy under him.

7.) 22 May 2024 06:28:29
I looked up portugal and Spain euro 24 squad lists.
Our Neto is in Portugal squad and the Spain squad list not available so guess it hasn't been announced yet.
Re Makes us Sulkgate the 2 big ones in tge news Rashford and Henderson not in the squad and sure I just heard on 5live raheem sterling not in the squad too.

8.) 22 May 2024 06:43:11
Based on his decision-making in squad selection and tactics the current England manager is unlikely to find work with most of the Premiership teams.
A good friend who is a Man.U. nut, says amongst the regulars at Old Trafford, they are very worried Ratcliffe might show poor judgment and offer him the manager's job.

9.) 22 May 2024 18:08:30
Let's hope so RugeleyWolf2??



19 May 2024 17:01:26
This is why VAR needs to go.

Semedo's tackle on MacAllister was high but was a yellow card offence. But why was the fact that MacAllister went into that challenge 2 footed not looked at?

Jas M

1.) 19 May 2024 17:12:10
VAR also never looked at VVDs shove on Cunha in the area.
Then again Cootes is on var so there you go.

2.) 19 May 2024 17:35:51
I thought it could have been a red, the ref gave the yellow, no need for VAR to poke their noses in this last game. RAN Chuna, why can't you just shoot? Should be 2-1 at time of posting. Great save from Sa again.

3.) 19 May 2024 18:18:29
And VAR again, I know it gets boring, yes Docs arm was offside, his foot was behind tho, technically he's off and this just shows how the laws have been made to benefit VAR and not the sporting movements of players. Sense must take us back to the fundamentals of movement and sporting abilities and not digital imagery. Get football back.
The match itself? We were always onto a loser here but we didn't really look to have a will, RAN Gomez Sa exceptions. A tad understandable, especially after Samedos dismissal. Just glad we wernt on the end of a hammering again. Oh well that's another season over, FA cup hopes, European hopes and finally 14th. At least we'll be in the prem again 24/25. Who'll still be with us who'll be the new kids in town we'll see in due course. There'll be plenty to discuss before then I'm sure.
Meanwhile, happy holidays to one and all.

4.) 19 May 2024 18:50:39
Just a footnote to say although Fulham moved above us I’m not too disappointed and wish we had the scorers of their first three goals playing for us at Anfield today. (Adama and Raul (2)

5.) 19 May 2024 20:14:33
I turned the game off after Semado got sent off so can't contribute to any discussions after that. Liverpool were always going to win today it just became a non contest for me when we were robbed of a player. I fully agree that it was a poor challenge, but if a Liverpool player had done that to a Wolves player it would have been at worst a yellow card.

6.) 19 May 2024 20:48:17
I'm so glad this season is over. VAR has ruined our great game. The Authorities inability to punish Man City has meant that we are now in a league where Man City dominate and everyone else plays for 2nd place.

Richard Masters said 2 weeks ago that Man City would be dealt with soon but apparently, this has been pushed back to October. WTAF is going on?

Also, I thought if a multi club owner had 2 clubs qualify for the same Euro competition, one would have to drop out. So how have Man City and Girona both in the Champions League? Oh yeah, that's right. Girona had a change of ownership about 2 months ago meaning they circumnavigated the rules again.



15 May 2024 18:35:52
I think Wolves will.be punished for daring to suggest that VAR is abolished but credit must be given to them for publicly voicing their concerns.

However what I think will happen is that clubs will vote 12 for and 8 against getting rid.

Premier League will say that Semi Automatic offsides will be introduced after the September international break so this will improve things.

But, I think the clubs that vote to get rid of it will demand that another vote takes place next year if no improvements are made and then I think the 14 votes needed will be obtained.

Jas M

1.) 15 May 2024 18:55:01
It'd be a good time for football fans to have an online petition supporting our proposal and be represented. If the league then dosnt heed the all round dissatisfaction we'll know who they're putting first and what to expect for the future.
Jas they can't punish us directly for tabling the move, but again we'll see how our season plays out afterwards. It's being brought to attention officially tho and that's a start.

2.) 15 May 2024 19:21:29
So proud ?

3.) 15 May 2024 23:11:17
Think it's a great idea Abbey, get one started fella! I know there is a fair few on here that'll sign it, happy to be the second name on that list! ?

4.) 16 May 2024 05:32:05
Hey, I'm not up with all the computer stuff Bullysboy or it've been done already. I hope someone will get one going, give the prem some adverse publicity alongside it and we get somewhere.

5.) 16 May 2024 11:46:02
Hooe it all works out in a favour Abbey and gents.
Even more so for all you guys.
I fortunate that my circumstances are different at present and haven't been able to watch tge wolvrs as much as I did be able to hence I'm not aa affected by VAR going agaisnt us this season.
I feel yours frustrations reading all your posts.
One thing never change our love and pride for the wolves and extra the pride that has become connecting with all on this site.
You're all golden.

Up the mighty wolves.

6.) 16 May 2024 14:21:41
A petition from all PL supporters, Wolves and other clubs raising a stink. Whatever is needed to show the level of dissatisfaction to those responsible. I don't think it will get scrapped though as too much money has been pumped into it and rather than cut their losses I suspect they'll just keep pouring more and more into it. There is an expression though about polishing a t**d. It's still a t**d. Some technology such as Hawkeye is great, changes to stop players wasting time great, quicker throws all great, but VAR or it's interpretation is so poor it's virtually killed football as a spectacle.

7.) 16 May 2024 18:44:58
That's the statement of all statements, that needs ramming down the fas throat. Var has totally ruined football for the paying supporters. As a watchable game
If that's not enough to finally get rid of var. Then nothing will
The fans are paramount, whichever club they support.
And at the end of the day.
If they don't scrap it.
You all know what needs to be done
For the love of our beautiful game




Jas M's rumour replies


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24 May 2024 11:19:15
So, having thought about it all night, I've renewed my and my sons memberships. I have however decided that I will reduce the number of matches I attend from 15 to 12.

Jas M



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24 May 2024 09:06:49
No worries HalfTimePie.

Jas M



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23 May 2024 22:46:11
HalfTimePie, I don't think anyone is happy. I wasn't happy when my energy bills went from £82 per month to £252 per month or when my Council Tax went up £96, or my food shopping etc.

I have made the decision that I need to pay for the essentials and unfortunately, my attending games is a luxury therefore I am looking at my finances and decided that Wolves FC is now a luxury I cannot afford to go to as much as I did, but I'll still follow them.

Jas M



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23 May 2024 20:44:53
Everything is going up in price. Everyone has to make decisions about what they can and can't afford.

I can't afford to go to as many matches next season but I'll still follow the club.

The only way fans can really make a statement to clubs is by staying away and not attending/buying tickets.

Jas M



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23 May 2024 15:28:05
Memberships have also gone up 18%.

Match tickets are due to increase by at least 10%.

New kit will cost minimum £60 but caveat for this will be that due to the make up of the deal, Wolves will get 75% of all profits.

Looks like I'll be going to less matches next season as I simply can't afford £150 every 2 weeks (tickets x 2, travel, food etc).

Jas M




Jas M's banter replies


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25 May 2024 15:58:24
You forgot to mention the Centre Back I suggested though didn't you E? But to be fair to you, Coufal is listed as a Full Back but has played CB on a number of occasions.

You must have been beside yourself when Nuno utilised Coady in defence considering he started as a Midfielder.

You must hate Semedo pushing forward seeing as he's a full back.

How did you feel 20 years ago when Kenny Miller was asked to play on the wings?

Maybe, just maybe I suggested Johnson to replace AIT and Coufal to cover both CB and Full Back position but the additional money would help purchase another player for a position we need strengthening.

Jas M



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25 May 2024 15:10:42
You just have to comment on everything I post don't you E.

But the point is that it's being reported that Lopetegui wasn't aware of Paquetas possible ban and so he is mulling over his options as he was relying on the money from that particular transfer (£85m) to fund incoming moves. Nothing more, nothing less.

Jas M



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25 May 2024 08:53:51
Today's managerial merry go round in the media is: Kompany to Bayern, Potch to Man Utd, Xavi to Chelsea, McKenna to Brighton and Potter to Ipswich.

Jas M



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24 May 2024 22:51:01
TFIOG. I just posted the details from 1 page of a 46 page document. I have quite a good understanding of football finance as my best mate works for a major financial company who work with most of the PL teams.

I know there are other incomings and outgoings.

The document is available on the Wolves website for everyone to look over for themselves.

Jas M



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24 May 2024 21:11:58
Looking at the figures the club themselves have posted for Financial Statement for Year Ending 31st May 2023.

Gate Receipts- £15, 105, 000
Sponsorship and Advertising- £13, 343, 000
Broadcasting rights - £11, 148, 000
Commercial - £13, 718, 000
League Distribution - £113, 795, 000
Other - £1, 466, 000

Total: £168, 575, 000

Wages, Tax and Pensions - £141, 816, 000.

Losses including amortisation etc £67, 186, 000

This year's figures are due soon and will include the sales of Neves, Collins and Nunes etc.

Jas M



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