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31 Aug 2023 16:07:38
Bueno announced.2 today so far


1.) 31 Aug 2023 18:12:35
Subject to work permit apparently but at 24 years of age, a 6ft 4" frame and can apparently play a bit, sounds like a good signing.

This is probably why the Elvedi pursuit slowed down somewhat.

2.) 31 Aug 2023 20:33:10
With Pond gone to Stockport and Dawson's age is there an arguement for taking both?
Quality players (Swiss international) at the price (circa 5m?) he is available for must be worth signing?

It must be possible that this season we will have injuries, suspensions or loss of form amongst the CBs and the extra cover for the price, over a 5 year contract it is only circa £1m and his wages, it is surely worth it?

Additionally If both he and Bueno have established themselves, (and are under long term contracts ), then we may, subject to either Dawson remaining solid or one of our younger CBs developing to become the 4th option, be able to solve the remainder of our FFP problems by selling one of them, (or perhaps more likely Kilman), at a substantial profit next year?

3.) 01 Sep 2023 08:29:24
I haven't seen anything of Elvedi but it appears he is available at a reasonable cost, so why has no any other club gone in for him?



09 Sep 2022 13:07:56
Has Costa officially been signed?


1.) 09 Sep 2022 14:35:20
Yes, squad number 29

2.) 09 Sep 2022 15:10:32
Yes but due to events yesterday the club felt it wouldn't be right to announce it at this time.

3.) 09 Sep 2022 16:39:34
Makes sense

4.) 09 Sep 2022 18:47:18
I did think that yesterday
Bit like the potter announcement was very low key

5.) 09 Sep 2022 19:39:24
Have to give the club some credit on this one, even if it doesn't work out (hopefully it will look like a master stroke come the end of the season:). They moved fast and no one can say they haven't tried to address our problems in front of goal. I worry that the extra wage will sink the Denayer move (which would be understandable) cause we are still a little light (experience wise) at cb. Fingers crossed it still happens then it will be over to you Bruno ?

6.) 10 Sep 2022 07:39:17
Apart from trying to sign Ramos I think they have done all they can.Still pinching myself about Costa joining tbh.

7.) 10 Sep 2022 10:31:37
Early in the week it looked like the Dendayer deal had stalled with the player wanting a better deal. Not sure what the current situation is.

8.) 10 Sep 2022 22:12:58
Well I'm sure Debbie will put me right



07 Aug 2022 18:39:27
Guedes all done,medical tomoz


1.) 07 Aug 2022 19:36:57
If Guedes arrives it will signal the departure of MGW. Bruno likes his inverted wingers and Guedes plays that role, where MGW has been deployed in pre-season and yesterday. Not sure it is his best position. I think he will go to Forest as Cooper is more likely to play him more centrally.
Very surprised that the talk around Coady is a year loan with an option to buy. Unless there is a hefty loan fee involved, it doesn’t make sense to me. We should be looking to get the money, while his stock is still high.
Striker is still the priority. We played quite well in parts yesterday but never really looked like scoring. Saves their keeper made were routine. Not sure how I feel about the names being banded about. Ramos is probably my preference but he is young and unproven.
Would love us to get Nunes, as he is the type of aggressive, running midfielder we desperately need. Bruno obviously doesn’t really trust Ronan or Cundle, and if Moutinho is out for a few weeks we are probably looking at two midfielders to fill the voids.

2.) 07 Aug 2022 20:01:03
I have seen little about the injury to Moutinho, does anyone know what's happened to him? thanks

3.) 07 Aug 2022 21:02:43
Personally we should play gibbs white centrally or kind of same role he was doing at Sheffield but if a bid of what there saying nearly 40mil comes then I would snap there hands off and look at another attacking options and definitely a goal scoring midfielder

4.) 07 Aug 2022 22:03:15
Don't disagree Wolfthistle/Wolvessida if an offer off £40M comes in for MGW, then sell him and put the money into Nunes. Then bring in a Striker, job done, that would then become a very good window.
Having said that it would be a shame to lose Coady but it looks like the role Nuno created for him is going as we transition to 4 at the back. Personally, I'd like him kept, but if he's not going to get game time I suppose he'll go.

5.) 07 Aug 2022 22:10:57
I still think we need 6 players Guedes excites me but the club need to provide Bruno with options on his bench.
The subs getting yesterday were Bueno, Cundle and Campbell .
I think with the signing of Guedes who I expect to be a replacement for Traore.
We still need a cb (not confident of our cbs playing as a back 2), wing back, attacking midfielder, forward and Striker.
Although why not give Traore the wages he wants sign him for 3 years and try to get our money back next year whilst strengthening our squad and bench?
Wouldnt rule out keeping Cutrone as well and get him imposing himself on the opposition as a front 3.




Nigelt2's banter posts with other poster's replies to Nigelt2's banter posts


19 Jul 2024 18:22:16
So the super computer predicts Wolves, Forest and Ipswich to be relegated!


1.) 19 Jul 2024 19:20:00
Interesting, given Leicester are predicted to drop points.

I think Brighton have flown too close to the sun, with player and managerial sales.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 19:28:29
What info is being fed into the computer at this stage nigelt2? They don't know what squad we'll have. Ignore predictions it's only for fun and betting.

3.) 19 Jul 2024 22:24:41
Nigel I saw that as well and of course we are also one of the favourites with the bookies to go down,  6th favourite on the site I saw at 4-1.
However as Abby said surely it is too early to make such judgements as we don't even know the squads which will be competing for the various sides.
Whilst we have a terrible start with fixtures and may struggle over the first few weeks they unwind of course and so we shouldn't read too much into that factor.
Before the summer I was reasonably confident we would do at least as well next season as last and so far our window has been "ok", if a bit of a curate's egg.
Obviously good adding depth and potential with new signings and the return of Yerson, but bad with the so far unreplaced loss of our captain and a first choice CB, Kilman and the ageing and injury of our best CB Dawson. Particularly as CB was the area we were probably weakest in even before the summer.
Last year we conceded too many and the loss of Kilman and potentially Dawson means, (unless he/they is/are replaced), we will probably concede more. But we scored freely with Cunha and Neto being high class players.
Consequently unless we do something very "brave", like selling Neto - although I saw you, hopefully joking, suggesting that we should swap him for 3 Arsenal reserves who probably would also sit on the end of our bench - we should be fine.
If we are able to sign a battle hardened prem experienced CB to replace Kilman then I would be very confident we should be looking upwards not down from last year
But we have been on a steady decline over the past 3 years, 10th, 13th and 14th and as shown by our last 10 or so games last season when we were without Neto and accumulated barely a point we are extremely vulnerable.
The gap between say 8/9/10th and relegation is not anywhere near as wide as you might think a few bad decisions, a bit of bad luck, an injury or two etc could send any team in the bottom half into a relegation battle but of course that can go the other way as well.  We might not have so many bad decisions go against us, get some hugely over due good luck and not suffer with so many injuries to key players, (note we have added some depth now so perhaps aren't quite as vulnerable as before), so might as I said be looking upwards, even from 8/9th! 
But let's wait and see how things look in a couple of weeks or so before getting too concerned.

4.) 20 Jul 2024 06:24:29
As you say TFOG, far to early to judge our or any of the other 19's sides prospects. Though the Bookies don't have us being relegated at the moment, this time last year they did!
I think plenty to happen in the next2/3 weeks.
We have several "problems" to shift out and I would expect we will be signing a few more, dependant on if any of our key "assets" are sold.
Very clear Hobbs and O/Neil in control and that reassures me!

5.) 20 Jul 2024 10:12:14
It is a tough start and we really need to keep clear of injuries and suspensions during the opening run of fixtures as we will need a full squad available for selection during the less tougher looking games. The bonus I suppose is that it gives us a chance to get up to speed against the better sides.

6.) 20 Jul 2024 12:16:30
Talking of suspensions Semedo misses the first three

7.) 23 Jul 2024 10:44:44
dont we get £200 mill plus off prem sky ect not have if no pot to piss in



11 Jul 2024 07:42:05
Is it coming home?


1.) 11 Jul 2024 08:11:16
If Harry kicks a Spanish defender and gets a pen who knows?. Seriously they played with enthusiasm last night and had a purpose we'd hadn't seen earlier. Spain look fluent in their play and it'll take some stopping. If we can stop that and frustrate them we can win it, ( with a little bit of luck maybe!?)

2.) 11 Jul 2024 10:28:50
Agree Abbey we'll need a bit of luck, we did look more balanced last night, still got a tendency to concede though which makes life so much more difficult. I think we're going to need a clean sheet to win it.

3.) 11 Jul 2024 11:13:59
What’s “fluent in their play” mean?

For me Spain are just Yamal. So far they’ve only impressed because so many teams have under performed. For me England have beaten the harder team in Holland.

As for Harry getting kicked, there is actual precedent set. Did you all forget the season just gone? Didn’t Palmer get a pen for someone kicking the ball and him placing his foot in the way? But when he does something it’s clever right?

I’m not English so I don’t get the constantly sniping at your best players and this need for the English to. well… it’s easy to see why England is the home of The Mirror, Sun and Daily Mail.

4.) 11 Jul 2024 12:10:00
Fenrir, fluent is smooth, effortlessly able to do. Spain pass and move seemingly together, and in yamel they have someone special. Harry kane kicked the ball AND dumfries, I think, as he tried to block the ball. How it was given as a pen to England I don't know. I can't comment on palmer as I didn't see it, but it sounds a different circumstance to that of kane. Anyway my point was about a penalty given in strange circumstances, not against a star player who scored from the spot.

5.) 11 Jul 2024 12:47:44
Harry Kane once again unproductive he didn't deserve the penalty and Watkins, his sub one them the game

6.) 11 Jul 2024 14:04:07
AIT conceded a penalty in exactly the same fashion against Man City a few weeks ago. It wasn't a penalty then and it wasn't a penalty last night.

7.) 11 Jul 2024 17:22:56
I think if you read the papers it was a penalty! Pointless arguing about it, it was given and these days with VAR who knows what they are thinking when they make these decisions. Just be thankful it went our way for once. The goal from Watkins deserved to win the game anyway!



22 Jun 2024 17:23:38
Rafael Leao.looks very useful wow


1.) 23 Jun 2024 08:49:04
Vithina look handy, maybe let him go to soon

2.) 23 Jun 2024 14:38:14
Did we? He was rubbish whenever he played for us apart from 1 game in the FA Cup against lower league opposition.

3.) 23 Jun 2024 18:55:35
Hindsight is a wonderful thing CB73 but as Wandering Star states he did little to impress during his season on loan apart from a wonder goal at Chorley in the cup



17 Jun 2024 17:51:49
Pedro Lima


1.) 17 Jun 2024 18:20:17
Seems we have beaten Chelsea to his signature.
Long term contract Seems to have been agreed.
Unhappy will be happy, he really rates him.

2.) 17 Jun 2024 18:20:34
17 year old wonder kid signed. But is he going into the first team or one for the future? If he is as good as Cunha says then he needs to be in the first team.

3.) 17 Jun 2024 18:50:10
Enzo was a wonder kid. Where is he?

4.) 17 Jun 2024 19:09:57
We supposedly signed a wonder kid in Fabio silva, let’s hope this one works out!

5.) 17 Jun 2024 19:10:07
That should have been Cunha would be happy.

6.) 17 Jun 2024 20:45:10
Enso played against Luton last season and looked decent. Hopefully he's now fully settled and ready to go.

7.) 17 Jun 2024 20:46:30
Dear god. some comments in this thread. Why should these players carry the can for previous mistakes?

Taring Lima with the Silva brush, as for Enzo, he made the bench a few times.

Wolves recruitment just can't win.

Perhaps Lima fancied his chances with Wolves in terms of getting game time with the first team?

8.) 17 Jun 2024 21:05:14
Exciting in Brazil isn't a given exciting in the prem. I'm excited at the prospect tho and cunha will be excited too. Its nice to feel we have a bigger pull over Chelsea on this one tho let's remember we've yet to see Enzo and it'll take time bedding in although the US pre seasonshould help.

9.) 18 Jun 2024 01:57:35
Cunha had recommended him, that's good enough for me.

10.) 18 Jun 2024 10:12:37
If you are taking a punt on a young player I'd rather try 5 at around 7m than one at 36m. Just a thought!

11.) 18 Jun 2024 10:28:00
Big difference paying £35 million for Silva and paying £12.5 for Lima, I think he will do well at Wolves and go on to make a name for himself.

12.) 18 Jun 2024 11:07:53
Zele ismail was a wonderkid aswell?

13.) 18 Jun 2024 12:30:00
It's a wonder that happened to the wonder kids! Well, most of them. Too much pressure too soon, or a rush to premature judgement?

14.) 18 Jun 2024 15:55:02
Surely we won't be able to get a work permit for him? Does anyone know the new rules for permits post Brexit?

15.) 20 Jun 2024 00:17:00
Pretty sure we wouldn't be spending what we are on him if he wasn't getting a wp. As for the rules post Brexit I think (and happy obvs for an Ed to correct me here:) that essentially they are still the same but EU players are now also on a points based system (mostly centered around the league they play in and caps). I do remember reading an article post Brexit that did say they were updating the points system for it and that it could/should make it easier to sign young South American players (but again happy to be corrected ed:) ?



06 Jun 2024 13:47:44
Var remains then.Nice to get backing from other clubs.NOT


1.) 06 Jun 2024 15:06:07
Yes Nigelt2 can’t wait for next season when fans start complaining and bleating about var decisions. They’ll know who to blame won’t they?

2.) 06 Jun 2024 16:29:33
Exactly 47Vintage! Apart from Wolves NO OTHER TEAM can complain about decisions from now on.
I’m sure we’ll get more than our share of Howlers from VAR. Trouble is there are no points in apologies!
Let’s hear the ref’s comms I say - same as the rugby.




Nigelt2's rumour replies


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11 Jul 2024 13:36:24
I would love him to stay and fight for a place in the team.but I guess we will sell if the offer is right.




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30 Apr 2024 06:24:38
Good mews




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05 Mar 2024 06:35:41
A striker would be better?




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31 Jan 2024 18:04:38
Don't think this is happening.been rejected




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09 Jan 2024 13:43:09
Danny Ings not leaving now





Nigelt2's banter replies


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22 Jul 2024 08:02:33
Good news




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19 Jul 2024 18:00:54
Offer them Neto plus £20m?




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19 Jul 2024 07:46:39
Well said Baza.Great servant to the club.




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16 Jul 2024 21:06:42
I like him and think we should try and keep him




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15 Jul 2024 07:48:08
Oh well.maybe next time




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