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16 Jun 2024 09:42:24
Che Adams

Having now seen him in action for Scotland I've changed my mind. No passion, no movement, no foresight. If you've not even got it for your country then. ??‍♂️


1.) 16 Jun 2024 11:44:20
Adebayo from Luton would fit in well. Young, quick and hungry he did well playing in a poor side.

Che Adams on Friday nights performance would be Fabio Mk2

2.) 16 Jun 2024 14:13:50
I was really hoping we would sign Che, but after watching him in Euros opening game I hope we leave him well alone

3.) 16 Jun 2024 15:00:31
Penko, like your call on Adebayo. Adams in fairness, didn't get much service the other night, but agree with others, not really good enough for us.

4.) 16 Jun 2024 15:10:47
Adams, broja, not good enough, in my opinion, David carmo ch, been linked, hopefully podence to olympiakos, Fabio, to whoever is daft enough have him,
Fingers crossed, Cunha netto to stay

5.) 17 Jun 2024 17:53:10
Adebayo please!

6.) 18 Jun 2024 11:04:03
Adebayo or Iheanacho on a free. Jeff Shi said that we can have two! Considering that we are looking at goalkeeper, possibly right back, central defender, with limited funds available, keep our star players, trade the ‘also rans - Podence, Silva, and other on loan, possibly Sarabia due to wages’ add Neto, Channy, Cunha, Gomes (all three), Semedo, Ait-N, M Lemina, Doyle, Enzo, Bellegarde, Bueno (both of them) that would be a good squad for top half finish, without squeezing the financial budgets. No I’ve not overlooked Captain Max, but his sale could create the leverage for the new signings - wipe the financial losses that blighted our new signings potential of last season, then back Gary O’Neil in summer 25 to push on for top six.



23 May 2024 17:06:29
Rumours - seems like he's jumping in with two feet - poaching a wolves target and interest in Kilman.
If I'm honest I never felt comfortable with the guy as our manager. Seemed shifty and was just looking for an excuse to leave. No loyalty or respect. Just wanted to get his foot in the door of the PL.
Not sure about the dealings at West Ham but if anything doesn't go his way he'll be kicking off! Haha. Good riddance.
Hope GON gets a chance to build and mould his squad for next season (if anyone can afford to attend that is!).


1.) 23 May 2024 17:23:23
Well BoSWolf. Looking at the season ticket price hike, if there's no big investment in the squad I suspect there might be some dissatisfaction to say the least from the fans that can still afford to attend the matches.

2.) 23 May 2024 17:31:12
Think Lopetegui saw what was coming in that Fosun are taking as much money out of the club while they can while looking to move the club on.
Fleecing life long fans and selling any player they can when other clubs are strengthening and freezing prices (Palace)does not bode well.
It’s not just Lopetegui who has left the club under a cloud in the last few years.
There is a long list.

3.) 23 May 2024 19:34:40
Taking money out of the club and looking to sell them on? Please tell us more.

Are Palace looking to strengthen by selling 1 if not all 3 off their star assets.

4.) 23 May 2024 19:49:17

5.) 23 May 2024 20:55:11
Welcome back Realist.
Jas M seems to think selling £150 million pounds worth of players and taking the money to China is not taking money out of the club.
Mind you he did say GON would get us relegated and Di Zerbi or Emery would be the next Liverpool manager.

6.) 23 May 2024 21:35:45
I don't think many fans are happy. All clubs are taking advantage of their fans.

7.) 23 May 2024 22:03:26
E, would you mind providing evidence of Fosun raking money out of the club. I know they sold players but that was due to FFP. You know, just like Palace will sell some of their players for the same reason.

I admit I wasn't excited by GON appointment, but then again, not many of us fans did.

And I never once said De Zerbi or Emery were taking over at Liverpool. Seems to me that you have selective memory. What I said was that some sources were linking them to the job.

8.) 23 May 2024 22:23:28
Posted by E from Wombourn

07 Dec 2023 12:49:15
Lopetegui to join Forest after Wolves game.

9.) 24 May 2024 06:42:04
Please Jeff no more Jam tomorrow letters to the little people please. They already know who blew millions to put the club on a no ambition /tax the plebs footing. Please go before you next insulting letter or at least have the courtesy of making yourself available for scrutiny or interview. Like a lot of Wolves fans I feel mugged.

10.) 24 May 2024 09:20:07
Jeff going on about commercial growth and how if you are a fan that want trophies of European football wolve may not be for you, makes my blood boil.
Have he forgot the £99 million grant they got from the UK government a couple of years ago

11.) 24 May 2024 11:30:58
Fan power.
Bring it on.
Time to do what your head says not your heart
Maybe then they will sit up and see
What they have done
As long as they are here were going to be loitering bottom half.
And I do hope I'm wrong .



18 May 2024 12:32:27
Now Wolves have had the balls to confront VAR and all involved let's see how many teams decide to keep it!
We all know it needs improving but anyone who votes for it to stay as is CANNOT moan about decisions afterwards!


1.) 18 May 2024 17:16:18
Just watching Bolton v oxford play off, oxford got lovely 2nd goal, if VAR was involved I'm sure it would have been disallowed for a little shove in the build up. That's why VAR shouldn't be allowed in the prem, it destroys the genuine game and gives teams false advantages, it can't stay in its present format for the games sake.

2.) 18 May 2024 17:51:10
I correct myself, VAR is being used and have correctly decided a penalty appeal. Well its the sort of use it should be.



30 Jan 2024 09:15:16
Neil Moxley - Sunday People - read his post and tell me what you think?

Even though he's a Brummie to me WBA biased and unacceptably blames Wolves for the problems at the FA cup game.

Where's the evidence?

Problem only started from the second goal.

If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen!

May be me!

As usual the world forgets what Wolves did and shines light on everything else.

Please tell me I'm not alone? ?⚽️


1.) 30 Jan 2024 11:46:03
There's been a lot written about the trouble on Sunday but no one I've heard seems to know who/what actually started it. Even Adrian Goldberg that well known Baggies fan who was sitting just 5-6 rows behind it with his daughter didn't see either. He said he always sits there if his daughter is with him as it is a kind of family area where the players wives also sit with their kids. That was his main source of disgust as Baggies fans knew that but still came from other stands to 'invade' this area looking for trouble. At least one Albion player went and rescued his family from it.

If there were Wolves fans in that area and whether they celebrated the second goal or were somehow causing trouble, that could have been resolved by the stewards/police. The 'trouble' that followed was the decision of the West Brom fans to pile in. I've sat/stood alongside opposing fans on several occasions without this outcome some of those being back in the seventies when bad crowd behaviour was rife.

2.) 30 Jan 2024 11:52:34
I'm fuming, Matt Maher covered the whole sorry episode, why didn't Liam Keen? he was there so was Nathan Judah - MM is the Villa correspondent for the Express and Star, more anti-Wolves bias?

more conspiracy theories.

This really needs to end, they're just journalists sharing opinions, let's wait for the facts and findings from the FA. That's the only real opinion to get concerned with. The rest is toilet water.

3.) 30 Jan 2024 15:37:36
Not sure why this is still being discussed. We need to see what comes out of the FA investigation. Needless to say both clubs will be fined heavily.
Looking forward to the more important things like the upcoming ManU fixture. Hope VAR doesn't let us down this time. We were robbed of a penalty in the away fixture.

4.) 30 Jan 2024 16:29:36
Don’t see why Wolves should be fined heavily Blackfords as the trouble was confined to Albion areas of the stadium and the alleged two ‘Wolves fans’ in the Albion area had no colours on and didn’t throw any punches.Wolves could say they were disgruntled Albion fans arguing amongst themselves and none of our fans were involved.

5.) 30 Jan 2024 17:49:28
We'll see E, but don't be surprised. No colours, that's not unusual and where did the two come from and not throwing punches. TBH I'm not interested, we won very comfortably, and there's more important games coming up. A win over ManU and there's a possibility albeit slight we could get that last EU spot, although I think we'll actually finish 10-13th. I do fancy us in the cup though.

6.) 30 Jan 2024 18:04:53
The ruck started in the area reserved for the players families and press so for all we know, it could have been a member of the press who forgot where they were and celebrated. Hopefully the investigation by both clubs will be swift and the truth will be revealed.



19 Dec 2023 22:39:28
Recent managers:
My feelings .
Lopetegui walked away when we needed him most. Whatever the financial issues were a respected manager with self respect would have fought his corner.

Nuno walked after similar issues. But he carried on as long as he could. At a time when he gave us belief.

O'Neil is doing his best with what he has. Has he surprised us?

Where does your loyalty lie?


1.) 20 Dec 2023 06:43:17
BoS, Nuno left frustrated with Shi, Lage never had a chance, no signings, Lopetequi left frustrated as Shi misled him, O'Neil may go the same way, dependant on what happens in January.
A bit of a pattern here.Fosun need to replace Shi to protect their financial position with this part of their empire.

2.) 20 Dec 2023 06:51:47
Lopetegi no morals.

Lage lost the dressing room.

GON doing a fine job but is still learning and building too early to judge completely.

Nuno had one style our identity but no plan B.

3.) 20 Dec 2023 07:26:16
Lopetegui was a hope BosWolf, giving hope for the season, turned out he wasn't interested in the club or developing success and took the money.
Nuno an absolute hero, emotionally invested in the club, developed the 'pack' attitude and took us to Europe, which, if not for covid, we may have seen a better outcome over two legs v seville. An FA cup semi which we should have won. Was denied the further investment he wanted and the dream was broken.
Bruno, best forget.
GON a surprise recruitment and initially didn't expect any great shakes. The game play is still developing. A young manager learning as he goes, an honest and open guy who has had the rough end of refs/var or we'd be a little more optimistic, that said some poor performances dropping points. A stabilising appointment and who can say what happens next. For the now I'm fully behind him but mid table prem regularity will be the norm.

4.) 20 Dec 2023 09:27:41
I oddly have a sense of admiration to Lopetegui, even if he did throw his toys out of the prams, he helped keep us in the league.

Nuno will be fondly remembered for all of his achievements, pittered out towards the end, which is a shame.

GON has been a revelation, what a great piece of recruitment he was, he seems to have it all, 100% has the players onside, deals with the media very well (even when things aren't going his way), tactically he seems to be very astute too.

5.) 20 Dec 2023 10:40:22
Lopetegui spent over a hundred million in January, then questioned why he had no money to spend in the summer. We’ve seen why, look what happened at Everton. Fosun were wise enough to not over spend and this not get penalty by FFP.
It’s like eating everything in your fridge at lunchtime then wondering why you’ve got nothing to eat at tea time. JoLo should have realised he’s spent his budget in the January window. Our club isn’t big enough to spend those amounts in winter and summer windows

6.) 21 Dec 2023 06:45:17
Thing is HalfTime, if "mum" says you can eat everything in the fridge, but doesn't tell you there is no money to replenish, whose fault is it? I strongly believe it is "mum"!




BoSWolf's rumour replies


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18 Jun 2024 19:46:26
Interesting ? macburnham




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15 May 2024 13:20:32
Saw that 47Vintage. What do you think?
Personally I think if he’s free and can score goals we’ll take him!




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23 Apr 2024 13:58:59




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24 Jan 2024 21:33:44
Agreed Rated. I liked him but there must have been something in training that boiled his blood. I always saw him as a level headed player with no aggression so it seems out of character.
I’ll miss him as a reliable player. Not always perfect but who is?
All the best for the future Johnny.




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24 Jan 2024 16:25:55
For me Sarabia gave the ball away too easily and didn’t look comfortable.
There’s talk (click bait)? Of selling him on and looking at a winger from Sunderland (Clarke?).
Any thoughts?





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16 Jul 2024 17:03:48
Agreed Lostcitywolves, Podence has improved since last with us but also carries strong emotions for the game and his colleagues. Wrong to lash out in the heat of the moment so he’ll need to control that if he’s to play any part of our upcoming season. But in my opinion he is worth more to us than a cheap sale.




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14 Jul 2024 13:29:31
I’ve also said 2-0 England. Just felt right ???????⚽️⚽️




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01 Jul 2024 08:26:14
Shush, keep it quiet or GON could be the next England Manager. That would be just typical wouldn’t it!




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13 Jun 2024 22:46:46
From the same school as Nunes and now Pep doesn’t want him! Karma ?




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06 Jun 2024 16:29:33
Exactly 47Vintage! Apart from Wolves NO OTHER TEAM can complain about decisions from now on.
I’m sure we’ll get more than our share of Howlers from VAR. Trouble is there are no points in apologies!
Let’s hear the ref’s comms I say - same as the rugby.




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