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To Doog947's last 5 banter replies


Doog947's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Doog947's rumours posts


24 Aug 2023 10:09:02
Manchester City will insist to close Matheus Nunes deal with Wolves in 24/48h after initial €50m proposal. Insist my arse. Who do they think they are? This according to Fabrizio Romano.


1.) 24 Aug 2023 10:34:48
Doog, as soon as he signed last summer there was speculation the agreement was he could leave if a Top 6 side made a bid.
Man U and Liverpool were mentioned.
Even better for him if City are interested.
Initial bid as you say, said to be €50m, plus add-ons.
Personally, think he is a much better fit for City than us. Really hasn't pulled up trees for Wolves.
If we can push it to a gross €70m, that would be a good deal.
Big question then is, will the Dark Knight allow signings to be made?!

2.) 24 Aug 2023 10:35:53
When Man U or City come calling hey will turn any player's head. That's always the case. If we have FFP sorted with existing sales, then no need to sell unless Nunes has been promised a future move when he signed for us.

Lot of hysteria (?) today about Wolves being sold, even by some of the most sensible fans on this site. Complete rubbish in my opinion. Sales of PL clubs do not go through in the dark. When Fosun bought Wolves it was a very public process with many bidders. Lighten up everybody!

3.) 24 Aug 2023 11:19:09
Initial Nunes bid rejected, let's hope we can all take a breathe for now! ?

4.) 24 Aug 2023 11:21:48
Well if Nunes goes then we are up s*** creek without a paddle. Prepare yourself for relegation and championship football next season. Oh and here comes the revolution against Fosun/Shi.

5.) 24 Aug 2023 11:41:19
Nunes can go he is like a petulant spoilt kid, get 65 million plus and kick him up the ar@e out the door, doesn't want to be here let him go

6.) 24 Aug 2023 11:57:23
If City had offered £65m I suspect we would have, instead they offered £5m more than we paid. Only an absolute fool would consider that a valid return on a £38m investment!

7.) 24 Aug 2023 12:42:10
That is what I worry about Bully.that is a good description of our main decision-maker!

8.) 24 Aug 2023 12:52:05
Fosun's 10 year plan is totally FUBAR.

9.) 24 Aug 2023 12:53:40
its bull all the monewy is covering FFP closeing down sale

10.) 24 Aug 2023 12:54:46
Totally agree Deep, names would be being mentioned, not countries. Also, if Fosun were to sell up its not going to be done in a week or two either. If/Once they find a buyer it'll then have to be passed as a fit and proper person by the premier league.

11.) 24 Aug 2023 12:56:21
whats goods £65 million if not a penny goes back into the team

12.) 24 Aug 2023 13:36:43
Probably Fosun who the ones insisting lmao

13.) 25 Aug 2023 09:56:07
We sold collins for very little or o profit atall so why would fosun bother aboutselling nunes aswell.and now he knows city want him nunes won't be bothered about what happens to wolves.given the choice any player would choose city



04 Mar 2021 08:14:26
What's with the rumour that Max Kilman is not trusted by Nuno and will be sold? I would have thought that Max would be one of the last to be sold! Just my opionion.


1.) 04 Mar 2021 12:26:28
It's come from Talking Wolves, that guy spins more bs than a cattle farm.

2.) 08 Mar 2021 19:54:49
Have to agree Doog, iv been very impressed with Kilman seems solid for me should be in the starting lineup.



22 Apr 2018 09:51:04
Any news as to whether Carl Ikeme will be lifting the trophy next week?


1.) 23 Apr 2018 21:49:19
Can only hope.



06 Mar 2018 10:05:09
Leeds are now contacting the FA, calling for an official investigation with reference to the influence of Mendes. Hope we hammer them on Wednesday night.


1.) 06 Mar 2018 11:10:20
That's all the motivation we should need to spank them tomorrow night 💪👊.

2.) 06 Mar 2018 11:24:44
Leeds, Villa and Derby. three little 5 letter names. all with little minds. Can't win the league on the pitch, maybe the FA will help us.
How low can you get?

Let's go out and show em who the Champions really are.
Hope Fulham and Sheff Utd come up with us.

3.) 06 Mar 2018 11:26:33
They're coming across as two faced only yesterday Paul Heckingbottom was saying Wolves are amongst the best in Championship.

4.) 06 Mar 2018 12:02:40
Fulham deserve it on current form and Sheffield United because they managed to get Leon Clarke scoring goals lol.

5.) 06 Mar 2018 20:37:50
It's just like Bradley Wiggins, if you are too good bring 'em down.
U. K. society is just sh*te you just can't celebrate success. let's all moan about others achievements it's so much more positive Wednesfield.

6.) 06 Mar 2018 22:45:28
It's laughable it really is.
In 16+17 season (latest figures available) Wolves were 12th in the table for fees paid to agents.
You guessed it, both Villa and Derby were above us (Villa paying way over £5m to our £1.2m) .

Points make prizes.
Still 7.5 points ahead of third with a game in hand with 11 games to go!
Come on boys!

7.) 07 Mar 2018 08:37:14
How many do we need to win before we’re promoted?

8.) 08 Mar 2018 15:12:00
Well we're 10 points above 3rd (Villa) with 11 games to go. Villa can get 33 points max so we need another 24 to be absolutely sure they stay behind us.

Fulham have played an extra game and are 11 points behind us. So they can get a max of 30. We need just 20 more to finish in front of them. We only need 16 to finish above Derby. In short, Villa is our biggest threat. A win on Saturday would mean they can get only 30 more points and we'd be 13 points ahead so just 18 needed. A real 6-pointer!




Doog947's banter posts with other poster's replies to Doog947's banter posts


17 Jul 2024 08:36:11
If that Como player said to his own defender. "ignore him, he thinks he's Jackie Chan". Do you really think that is racist? Not sure that I do. (If that was actually said of course).


1.) 17 Jul 2024 09:46:13
I would steer clear of this one Doog947. Obviously offence was taken and don’t think we are in a position to comment.

2.) 17 Jul 2024 10:12:45
Seriously, Doog? I wonder why he didn't come up with a non-Asian alternative

3.) 17 Jul 2024 10:13:38
They admitted he said that.

And really? So he didn’t think of a current person known for fighting or being hard? Not Tyson Furry? Not Connor Mcgreggor? But instead picks an Asian actor that hasn't been culturally relevant since Rush Hour 2.

The fact you can’t see that says more about you than the incident.

I’m guessing this is boomer gammon logic. Gets enraged by a rainbow flag or a cross on the England shirt but can’t see when somethings racist.

4.) 17 Jul 2024 10:19:00
Oh Doog where to start old buddy! Firstly if we don't know that's what was said it's hard to judge as we are clearly guessing, which is a dangerous place to start. Secondly context is everything, so the way something is said matters and the way this was said made one of our players swing for someone! Thirdly (and to answer your original question) yes that's definetly racist! Cause unless he was doing a king fo kick it just feeds in to the horribly racist stereo type that all Asian people look the same.
Hope that's cleared things up for you?

5.) 17 Jul 2024 10:19:53
Was Hwang doing a martial arts demonstration? Or was the Como player saying that Hwang is of oriental origin therefore calling him Chan is racist. The defence that he was referring to his surname and that Wolves players call him Channy is of no relevance as the Como player referred to him as Jackie Chan not Channy.

6.) 17 Jul 2024 10:28:49
Hilarious Fenir, in calling someone a racist you've managed to show yourself up as shamelessly ageist! Discrimination is discrimination buddy so put down your rock before you break your own glass house! Priceless! ?

7.) 17 Jul 2024 11:15:32
Didnt it all kick off last pre ssn aswell.looks.like trouble follows us around?

8.) 17 Jul 2024 11:23:49
I don't think for one minute that Hwang would have taken offence if it was something flippant and non racist. The fact that he did suggests it was something that should be addressed.

9.) 17 Jul 2024 13:00:29
How is someone from Italy supposed to know how every single person is going to react to a little banter? I certainly don't know what would trigger a Malaysian, for example.
If that is what was said, I think Hwang needs to toughen up.

10.) 17 Jul 2024 14:18:09
"Banter" is a broad term, however, in football players try to wind each other up, and the idea is to upset an opposing player to put them off. So no, it is not banter in this instance.

11.) 17 Jul 2024 15:16:36
WO. Was this banter or was this a blatant view that all oriental people look the same. Remember when Romain Saiss was racially abused by Shelvey. Was that banter or was the fact that he assumed that due to the colour of his skin, he ate curry a racist stereotype.

Why would the Como player call him Jackie Chan when his own team mates don't.

How would the Como defender feel if a Wolves player stereotyped him based on his nationality?

12.) 17 Jul 2024 15:41:08
A bit like saying Italians like pasta and pizza….

13.) 17 Jul 2024 15:46:45
The problem there is WO that it's not banter it's blatant racism! And that frankly pathetic toxic masculinity line of 'banter' is exactly the reason that its 2024 and we still have VERY clearly (going off the past 48 hours) a very REAL problem if racism in football! And just in case you meet a Malaysian person let me help you, just don't be a daft racist and you probably won't 'trigger' them! Give me strength! ?

14.) 17 Jul 2024 18:40:14
Well articulated Bully's Boy. You cannot make a racist comment, and hide behind a claim that it is banter. Just don't say it.

15.) 17 Jul 2024 19:34:12
Sorry, I didn't mean any offence. Hope I haven't upset anyone. I have never been racist, where I was born and bred I never saw anyone who wasn't white until I joined the RAF at the age of 16. I wish I had kept my big trap shut now.

16.) 17 Jul 2024 22:17:17
Ya fine Doog, you asked a question and people answered. It just happened to be that the question was (unintentionally:) emotive so garned some strong responses!
No hard feelings fella, it might all seem over the top to some but with where the sport currently finds itself over the top is better than continued ignorance and pretending a problem isn't a problem when it CLEARLY is. No bother though fella ?

17.) 17 Jul 2024 23:03:44
I think it was a much needed debate Doog, hopefully educating some along the way. Glad to read a lot of the comments explaining it so well.

My previous comment was in reference to cutrone and a bit of a joke, if you sing it with good intentions does that make it not racist? Maybe he doesn’t like pizza?

18.) 18 Jul 2024 08:06:43
Thanks Bullys Boy The Third and Goatmark The First. I was a little concerned that I might have been alienated on this forum. I don't post very often as I do not consider myself a football expert, just an ardent Wolves supporter since 1964/5.

19.) 18 Jul 2024 08:28:05
It's nice to see Podence giving strong support for one of his team mates. Personally, I hope he stays, bit of a nutter at times but maybe we all can be at times Me definitely included.

P.S. Maybe next time I should activate what's left of my brain before activating my mouth.

20.) 18 Jul 2024 13:16:44
You've apologised handsomely Doog. We all make mistakes. I still hear out and out racist stuff when I go to matches, from alleged fans who would never dream of apologising. I occasionally watch old British movies on Talking Pictures TV, and my god, the racism was unbelievable at times. They say the past is a foreign country, but some of the racist past is still with us. Luckily this Wolves rumours site is well policed by the editors and fans for racism.

21.) 18 Jul 2024 21:47:51
Good on you Doog. None of us are too old to learn, and I don't know anyone who always gets it right. Debate is always good.



28 Jun 2024 08:22:35
In the matter of transfers. Does the player being 'targeted' have any say in it? it seems that if someone wants to buy a player, Kilman for instance, then that's it, off he goes.what if he doesn't want to go?


1.) 28 Jun 2024 10:09:02
If a buying club offers the player more money and tell him he is a part of their future plans then he is off.
It’s just a job to the player and he will do what is best for himself and his family.

2.) 28 Jun 2024 10:44:43
Can sum1explain why wer contemplating letting ayman go to liverpool if he's such a good prospect?

3.) 28 Jun 2024 10:59:08
Bux I don't think there is any choice with players of that age, if they want to go they can. I don't know the rules, but I can't see any club being allowed to treat under 18s like professionals. I expect he hasn't signed a professional contract yet.

{Ed001's Note - 17 is the age they can sign professional contracts in England, but it is a different type of contract from the ones an over 18 can sign as they are still considered children until 18.}

4.) 28 Jun 2024 14:28:21
Thanks for the clarification ed001

{Ed001's Note - very welcome mate.}



10 Jun 2024 08:43:56
Did any of you Bikers join in for the Dave Myers day in Barrow?


1.) 10 Jun 2024 09:22:24
Yes I did. Didn't do the whole journey. Birmingham bike museum to Knutsford.

2.) 10 Jun 2024 14:21:58
A youtuber I watch did he reviews food but his face is a mess as he got drunk and decided it'd be a good idea to run down a huge hill and he fell over and faceplanted himself lol.



08 Jun 2024 08:08:45
Wolves disappointment, according to one site Che Adams is not coming to us.


1.) 08 Jun 2024 10:12:34
Hardly a disappointment

2.) 08 Jun 2024 10:37:12
Squad player at best.

3.) 08 Jun 2024 14:36:17
But we need a squad! plus he's free. Never a starter but we need bodies and not just development players.

4.) 09 Jun 2024 15:51:16
Totally agree Tim. Beggars can not be choosers.

5.) 09 Jun 2024 15:52:38
Oops sorry Tim, I meant Jack. Beggars can not be choosers



12 May 2024 08:24:00
I don't know if it's just me but I am bored with premier matches now. I have found it far more enjoyable watching the Play Off matches for L1 and 2. No VAR, no rolling around crying and then getting up and run around like a two year old (well they behave like two year olds anyway). Just fed up with it. Might go and watch Whitehaven FC about a mile away.





Doog947's rumour replies


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31 Jan 2024 08:44:40
I read it was £1m option to buy and 25% of future profit to PSG.




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01 Sep 2023 15:57:46
Southampton have apparently blocked the move, they want to keep him.




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18 May 2023 17:04:08
Betting on football matches it seems.




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14 Feb 2019 13:44:57
Some full stops and commas would help.





Doog947's banter replies


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18 Jul 2024 08:28:05
It's nice to see Podence giving strong support for one of his team mates. Personally, I hope he stays, bit of a nutter at times but maybe we all can be at times Me definitely included.

P.S. Maybe next time I should activate what's left of my brain before activating my mouth.




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18 Jul 2024 08:06:43
Thanks Bullys Boy The Third and Goatmark The First. I was a little concerned that I might have been alienated on this forum. I don't post very often as I do not consider myself a football expert, just an ardent Wolves supporter since 1964/5.




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17 Jul 2024 19:34:12
Sorry, I didn't mean any offence. Hope I haven't upset anyone. I have never been racist, where I was born and bred I never saw anyone who wasn't white until I joined the RAF at the age of 16. I wish I had kept my big trap shut now.




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01 May 2024 09:12:55
Sorry but Almiron would be one of the last pieces in the jigsaw. I would take him tomorrow.




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14 Apr 2024 10:07:19
Ha Ha




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