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03 Jul 2024 20:08:16
Victor Hugo being looked at by wolves again


1.) 04 Jul 2024 11:15:11
Victor Hugo died in Paris on 22 May 1885 so would not be seen as one for the future.

2.) 04 Jul 2024 11:22:58
He was viewed as the future of French poetry at one point.

3.) 04 Jul 2024 12:15:28
Yes wrote les miserables

4.) 04 Jul 2024 14:55:15
Nice one

5.) 04 Jul 2024 20:08:53
Do you think we're going for a team of Gomez's as his full name is Victor Hugo Gomes Silva

6.) 05 Jul 2024 11:30:34
Right, Les miserables. Now they post on here.
In most cases only joking.



04 Jun 2024 18:51:40
Anybody heard a rumour smith rowe from arsenal being looked at by wolves


1.) 04 Jun 2024 19:21:51
Heard he was part of a sweetener to go to AC Milan.

2.) 06 Jun 2024 17:08:26
I wouldn't look to hard he might get injured AGAIN! ?



13 Jun 2023 18:27:06
Anybody heard anything about Hungarian bola on loan to grasshoppers supposedly had a very good season before last would hope lJL will give him a chance


1.) 14 Jun 2023 08:36:24
The key to any players being sold or bought or kept is what happens to Neves and will he go to another club who are willing to pay the £45 million Wolves want. Barcelona can not afford him and do not seem to have any players we want at the moment, and it is possible that Neves could sign a new contract with Wolves with an option that if Barcelona come back in the future with an acceptable offer Wolves would let him go. We need about £50 million to satisfy FFP and that is what Wolves are trying to sort out in my opinion.

2.) 14 Jun 2023 09:23:51
Barcelona have loads of players we want. Trouble is they are all first team regulars.Neves could stay in England for the £ we require but he seems to have an affinity for Wolves meaning moving to another club in this country is not a favoured option. Unfortunately not many continental clubs can afford him.



24 Jan 2023 19:31:59
Wolves Fan
Joao Gomes has this evening reluctantly agreed the move to Lyon after days of stand offs after the meeting with John Textor who has sold him the Lyon project, Flamengo were determined to make this deal go through they have had no dialogue with Wolves. #wwfc #ol


1.) 24 Jan 2023 19:54:32
Conflicted information here as a few outlets saying he has rejected Lyon hence my post.

2.) 24 Jan 2023 20:19:10
Rated hope you are right would like to see him at wolves



15 Jan 2023 14:00:38
Nickolas Jackson villareal linked with


1.) 15 Jan 2023 15:21:25
Villareal want a permanent deal, not interested in a loan with obligation

2.) 15 Jan 2023 17:43:17
Heard it was Tito Jackson, makes sense given he lives on the Penn Road.

3.) 15 Jan 2023 19:23:54
I heard Tito Jackson is actually Wolfie.




Brin6's banter posts with other poster's replies to Brin6's banter posts


24 Jan 2023 18:56:12
Joao Gomes going to lyon




19 Jan 2023 20:05:46
Craig Dawson £3m


1.) 19 Jan 2023 21:44:33
Don't think Dawson is any better than what we already have. Always said we wou!d not have signed Guedes if we had got Nunez first, looks like we will be making a big loss on him.

2.) 19 Jan 2023 22:32:54
Good god. No.

3.) 19 Jan 2023 23:51:04
My mate is West Ham and he’s gutted he’s going, he said since they turned it around he’s been their best centre back by far, scores from set pieces as well. If he plays like he’s played for them the last two seasons then he is 100% good enough for us.

4.) 20 Jan 2023 00:35:03
Dawson at £3m would be an absolute steal! If you don't believe me ask a WHU fan! Yes he's a short term option BUT at £3m (less than many loans cost these days) that's all he needs to be. I'd say its great business!
In fairness, I understand why you say he's not better than what we've got; but that's not really the point. Ya see, the problem is for some reason (only known to Jeff) we pretty much GAVE away ALL of our CBs with any REAL experience last window. I would wager that he has more Prem caps than our current defence collectively! In terms of technical ability your probs right, cause I doubt he's as good as Kilman or Collins, technically (MUCH better than both in the air mind).
Its also worth mentioning he's worn the armband at a few clubs and can anyone honestly say that our back line doesn't need a loud voice right now?
Is he a world class signing no, is he perfect for one decent season to help us stay clear definetly! Especially at just £3m!

5.) 20 Jan 2023 07:22:49
Really hope the optimism about Dawson is justified.
Just have that niggling doubt, surely WH would not release him if they think he could do the same relegation avoidance job for them?

6.) 20 Jan 2023 09:53:10
Hi All, Dawson’s move is a two way problem sorted. He wants to move back to the Midlands to be near family and Wolves desperately need a cool experienced head in the final months of the season. The transfer cost as someone mentioned earlier is as a loan payment would be and I guess wages would not be an issue. My in laws are Hammers fans living in the south and they say Dawson is a great pro and always gives 100%. I’m happy with that.

7.) 20 Jan 2023 12:51:45
All good posts - similar thread on Rumours page.
For £3m he is a steal and may well play a major role in keeping us up - worth a fair bit more than £3m.
Also a great role model for Collins and, (if he doesn't go out on loan), Gomes.
BB - I already made the point on the rumours page re his technical ability but completely agree with all comments re ability, leadership and his motivation.
Can only assume WH are being decent with him allowing him to leave for Wolves as clearly Rugeley makes a fair point. They do however have a v large squad so it may be not such a big issue for them as it was for us letting Coady go!

8.) 20 Jan 2023 15:25:39
Ince, Moutinho, Irwin performed well for a few years at the end of their careers, as did Emlyn Hughes and Ally Robertson for a shorter period before that. Let's see.



13 Jan 2023 21:33:16
Goncalo Ramos please icing on the cake


1.) 14 Jan 2023 11:27:10
Wrong planet, unfortunately, Brin.



28 Aug 2022 17:38:55
Boly named in squad but did not turn up


1.) 28 Aug 2022 17:51:36
He can go to Forest then

2.) 28 Aug 2022 18:36:51
Not the way to do things, Boly.
But at 31 he needs to be playing.
Tks for what you have done in the past.

3.) 28 Aug 2022 19:04:33
Boly hasn’t been the same for awhile now. Best of luck Big Willie, not the best way to leave a club, but hey-ho!

4.) 28 Aug 2022 19:14:48
I wouldn't give him the chance Nigel, let him rot in the reserves for a year instead! My bigger concern is what this says about our club right now. When Barry Douglas turned up late for a flight he got transfered! Say what ya want about Nuno he didn't suffer fools lightly! First Coady says somethings not quite right at the club and now this! Lage needs to get a grip on this squad cause between the performances and one our most experienced players just not turning up for work then I can't shake a niggling feeling that the dressing room is spiraling a little bit?! I really hope it's not the case but who knows these days?! ?

5.) 28 Aug 2022 19:40:15
Get rid so, qe don't need any passengers. Have to say the noise coming out of so called fans at this moment is shameful. Let's trust in the team and manager, today qe got undone by a wonderful strike from a mistake, we competed and had chances, that a good incoming striker will relish, Bruno in my opinion came in after very successful period and fans want instant success, this is a tough gig after what we have been used to in the Nuno era, but I Still believe Beuno is going in right direction.
8s he right to come out and slate players, yes he is all day long, these players get paid we'll enough and need to earn their money.
Toti and Mosquera are our Back up now, Boly should be fined and let go



27 Aug 2022 19:29:08
Neto post saw on twitter sorry if not true but just saying what I saw


1.) 27 Aug 2022 21:26:50
Been a lot if wind ups from Arsenal fans on twitter mate, I saw one saying Neves gone to Arsenal today lol.

2.) 27 Aug 2022 23:37:05
Read who source is - @sikeuaintgettinghim = sike u ain't getting him.
Fake news.

3.) 28 Aug 2022 09:27:47
Hi Jas, nice to hear from you,hope everything is OK.

4.) 28 Aug 2022 11:52:11
All Good Norfolk Norfolkwolf. ?




Brin6's rumour replies


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04 Jul 2024 14:55:15
Nice one




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30 Aug 2023 18:15:35
Bueno signing from city group for 8m instead of 25 m must be part of nunes deal




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25 Aug 2023 18:21:28
O’Neil has said if nunes is sold than he will want a centre back centre half and a centre forward with the money so it seems to me fosun have stopped taking money out off club and now concentrating on giving money to the manager to spend don’t think they would do that if they were selling the club




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23 Aug 2023 19:45:21
Nines to city £50m personal terms agreed wolves have not agreed yet




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20 Jul 2023 14:30:56
Sorry can’t see anything regarding Scott to wolves





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