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31 Aug 2023 20:57:54
Twitter post a few mins ago saying Adams has agreed a move to Wolves. I for one would welcome him with open arms, he can find the back of the net, can't understand these people who cry out for a proven goalscorer then slate them and critise when we get one!


1.) 31 Aug 2023 21:00:43
Sorry criticise.?

2.) 31 Aug 2023 21:32:55
Totally agree WolvesNutta, if that's true, welcome Che would be my reaction. However, I thought Southampton wanted to tie him down to a new contract first, maybe they have or will.

This season may be more interesting than many have predicted and we may yet be glad that Nunes did a runner. It seems to have opened the floodgates a bit.

Time will tell, of course, but I'd rather have a team of players who actually want to be here.



16 Aug 2022 00:33:48
Talk all over twitter that Nunes is due medical tomorrow before singing a 5 year deal.what a signing this could be.suddenly this transfer window has become a lot more positive!


1.) 16 Aug 2022 06:53:56
Thank God for the Cavalry!
Guangchang and Mendes here to sort the Club out.
A real reassurance that Fosun are committed to Wolves.
Now please remove Shi and Sellars!

2.) 16 Aug 2022 08:00:08
It looks like the deal is done, however, I won't be getting too excited about it until the contract is signed. Madness that he turned down Liverpool and West Ham for us (I recently asked "what can Wolves offer him that west ham can't?")

Now for the elusive striker and I think we'll all be a little happier :)

3.) 16 Aug 2022 08:27:05
And breath .

4.) 16 Aug 2022 09:20:11
Every credit Fosun, well done. Just a striker now, then it's up to Bruno and the players.

5.) 16 Aug 2022 09:42:19
If true and the deal doesn't get hijacked another part of the jigsaw in place.




WolvesNutta's banter posts with other poster's replies to WolvesNutta's banter posts


27 Jun 2024 21:50:07
Just read the article about our new kit supplier and pricing and I'm interested to see what this new manufacturer, backed by Fosun, has to offer, and if it will be worthy of the team and the fans money. Also loving the movement on the transfer market so far, getting them in early for the longer time in training and pre-season. Let's not think about FFP, how we must have to sell to be doing what we are doing.who knows maybe we are in a better position now than most of us think. Let's just strap ourselves in and enjoy the ride, GON is the driver and I feel we are in safe hands! Very excited to see what the next season will hold!




03 Sep 2023 01:19:09
Very interested to see the starting 11 against Palace today.can't wait to get a glimpse of our new pack members for the first time.!

I wonder if the fact it's televised will give them that extra bite?! Here's hoping.

Come on you Wolves - show everyone your fangs and let the Premiership know that it's FAR too early to make predictions and assumptions, and write us off!

Early days still, I have a feeling that this season will age well for us, like a fine wine.let's just hope I'm right.


1.) 03 Sep 2023 05:50:00
Don't get too excited wolvesnutta, I wouldn't expect the new boys to be anything but observers today, maybe Doyle having a run, but they've hardly even met their team mates yet.

2.) 03 Sep 2023 06:58:02
As much as I'd like so see the new boys, I'd imagine it'll be shortly after the international break before we see any of them playing.

3.) 03 Sep 2023 07:38:21
It’s a pity
He went on strike for Man City
We think that’s pretty rubbishty
That rat nunes

4.) 03 Sep 2023 07:50:56
See what you did there Ed ???

5.) 03 Sep 2023 07:53:18
A new midfielder seemed so far away
Now it looks like he’s here to stay
Oh we believe in Bellegarde



02 Sep 2023 02:09:24
God I love Wolves and the fans but some of you on here are always so negative! Just a week ago it was 'we have only signed 2 players on a free we are doomed.relegation here we come' then it was 'tell City to do one' swiftly followed by 'let him go if he doesn't want to be here' (which I agree with by the way!) Now we have offloaded a player who wasn't committed to the club, for a club record fee, kept one who wants to fight for a place in Otto, brought a few fresh faces in and it's still negativity!? So we didn't get Adams (I bet some of those slating him when we were linked wish we had!) But we have Sasa who's already bagged a couple, Silva's on the scoresheet, and Doc's already contributed a couple.can't we look at the positives for once? I for one am happy with the incomings over the window and can't wait to see what the future holds, let's have some faith in the boys and GON and enjoy the season ahead! FWAW


1.) 02 Sep 2023 03:03:40
It’s nice to get rid of deadwood and those who were becoming toxic. Got some hungry players in. I’m excited to see what happens over the next 8-10 games to see how we start to shape up. Even though I wish we went for a striker I’m hoping that with more direct play and chances created we will start putting them away.

2.) 02 Sep 2023 06:55:13
Well said Nutta.

3.) 02 Sep 2023 07:34:05
Well said I've been a supporter for longer than I care to remember but one thing I've found you can't please e everyone

4.) 02 Sep 2023 07:34:53
Agree Nutta
Very good window and we still have some good forwards
Sasa is like a new signing

5.) 02 Sep 2023 08:20:02
It's the same every window WolvesNutta. Every year you get the 'we're getting relegated' mantra, then they disappear only to pop up the following window repeating the same thing.

This window has been particularly full of it due to the goings on at the club. While it's quite legitimate to question such things and agree or disagree with decisions why they think everything will lead to relegation is beyond me.

The team now is completely different to last year, following a rebuild that we all knew was coming/needed, so probably wiser to wait and see how this group perform before commenting.

6.) 02 Sep 2023 08:28:19
Look, everyone on here is entitled to an opinion, the way we played against utd, even the pundits said we won't go down, on that performance, but since then it's not gone so well.
If a player or the team have a shocker, I believe we are entitled to slate them, as when they put in a performance, we praise them.
Let's hope we perform ok from now on

7.) 02 Sep 2023 09:18:48
Greyleg, I totally agree that everyone is entitled to an opinion, and yes players should get the praise and criticism their performances warrant, what frustrates me is all the negativity whenever we are linked to players that's all mate. It's 'we need a striker' then Adams name crops up and 'he's not good enough, couldn't hit a barn door etc'

Some people just seem like nothing pleases them and that's what ticks me off.

I think what people need to realise is we are no longer the team pushing for the top 6 and Europe due to things that have gone on in the past, but also that serious changes seem to be happening, and long needed overhaul and restructure, and I don't think a week ago anyone would of predicted a window anywhere near as promising as what has occurred.

Just wish people would have a bit of faith in the old gold for once mate!

8.) 02 Sep 2023 09:19:22
Lots of valid points on both sides of the argument in this thread. One more! This is an unusual window, normally under Fosun we haven't been particularly active on deadline day. I doubt we would have this year had Nunes remained. That's purely an observation.

9.) 02 Sep 2023 12:13:43
Only issue I have in this debate is the negative and the fickle have driven and driving away the posters who are mainly on the level.

Think about it we win our last 2 games 2 clean sheets.

We beat Everton the make or break of our season to huge amount of posters then it's we didn't play well blah blah.

As has been said can't please everyone and personally I'm not impressed in the slightest of how when we hit hurdles the floodgates open to doom and gloom.

The funny thing is nothing is going to change.
We don't win all hell breaks out of who's to blame whether management recruitment players someone within our club has done stupidly wrong.

It's football a sport always ups and downs.

A serious majority have lost faith in our club and until the tide turns it will remain and only get worse the frustration the negativity the childish bickering the following like sheep.

More and more posters will stop posting believe me as its happened in the 5 years or so I've regularly used this site.

10.) 02 Sep 2023 15:11:55
I think it's fair to say at the beginning of the week we didn't know what was likely to happen. Nunes on 'strike' city not seemingly matching our valuation and potentially ending up with no signings and lumbered with a sulking nunes not benefitting anyone. Here we are now, 5-0 winners in the cup, the incredible sulk gone and exciting new recruits. Sad it didn't work out with adams but happy with the state of things. It's understandable, at least for me, that worrying comes out in our postings when we care for our club. It could of been horribly wrong but it's come off. Like any bad dream, it's done forgotten. Now let's get behind the lads and GON tomorrow at Palace. COYW.



28 Aug 2023 16:26:00
So Nunez is now on strike trying to force the move. The fact this is now public makes me think City will offer less in the hope that we just take it to get rid of him. Hopefully the rumours of the offer of Doyle as well might come to fruition so we aren't left with less funds than hoped for and no time to spend them!


1.) 28 Aug 2023 16:51:46
I'd tell him in no uncertain terms that he has a contract of employment of work as a footballer. Part of this contract is to attend training sessions. Refusals to meet obligations within the contract breach of contract, therefore for everyday he refuses to train, he should have his wages forfeited. So if he's on £100k per week, we withhold £14285 everyday that he strikes. This is different to fining him.

Or just tell him straight that unless Man City pay the money they want, he ain't going anywhere and if he doesn't like it, he can try and sue the court for breaching his rights to move club knowing full well that he is under contract for another 4 years.

Do not sell him. Teach this arrogant primadonna a lesson that you can't just throw your toys out of the pram whenever you don't get your own way.

2.) 28 Aug 2023 16:56:06
Nunes has been on strike since we signed him.
He has only turned up when we played a top six team in a bid to impress.Got himself needlessly sent off V Brighton.Ok we let some of his mates go and a relegation battle is not what he signed up for but Wolves are paying his wages so he could do his best while he’s still here.Put him in the team to face Blackpool and get him cup tied and if he won’t play stop his wages for breach of contract.
Make him watch a re-run of the 1974 League Cup final pledge allegiance to King John and show him what happened to Steve Daley when he thought the grass was greener in rainy Manchester.

3.) 28 Aug 2023 17:05:48
Jas mate, I’d like to apologise for the other day. We may both have spoken out of order- I definitely did. The joy of this site, is it’s somewhere to air views and opinions, some of us may disagree with each other, that’s life in general. But the bottom line is, we all come on here because we love our football club. My apologies Jas

4.) 28 Aug 2023 17:45:39
HaltTimePie, apology accepted. Also, if I offended you, then please accept my apologies. Our love for the team is what connects us. As the club saying goes 'The strength of the Wolf is in the Pack'

5.) 28 Aug 2023 18:27:02
Thank you Jas. I only come on here now and then, but I’ve been logging on, looking for a post off you to reply and clear the air. As you say mate, the strength is in the pack.

6.) 28 Aug 2023 19:47:50
Haha, so true E! He hasn't given half as much effort as I bet he will/would for City! What makes me really sick with these players that 'go on strike' is that I notice they rarely have the decency to hand a in a transfer request cause then they forfeit a chunk of their loyalty bonus, funny that eh!

Makes me sick! I don't care how much he's worth stick him in the under 21s until we get the fee we want or he learns a lesson. Fair play to Fosun, for anyone saying 'just get rid' etc it's not just about Nunes.

I'm the first to knock Fosuns transfer policy but it's vital that we show that when we set a price it actually means something! It's what Brighton and most of those other successful clubs do and it's for a reason, it shows that we won't be bullied in the market which is more important in the long run. Besides which Fosun also know that they can only sell him once and that's the last of our high value players gone!

All I will say is what a shame we got it SO wrong, everything about Palinha (on the pitch and off) makes him look like a MASSIVELY better player and person that Nunes! And he wanted to come to us not to mention half the price and wages! Ah well hind sights a wonderful thing eh! COYW ?



14 Aug 2023 22:04:17
What are peoples thoughts on tonight then? Personally I thought it was a good game to watch, yes there are things to be improved on (goals being the frontrunner!) But we had had more shots on goal by the 35th minute than we did in the whole 90 last time we played them. To finish with 23 shots is more than I expected (I'm ashamed to admit!). After this performance I'm not worried for the season in the slightest at present. I would of given Fabio, Sasa and Hwang a bit more of a run out though if I'm honest.


1.) 15 Aug 2023 03:22:29
A great performance - well played boys. I am looking forward to the rest of the season with renewed vigor (steady ladies).
When Gary Neville makes the comment that this is the best performance he has seen Wolves play then we know that we have done really well!
I would to see Sasa or Fabio link up with Cuhna a little earlier in any game and Nunes given license to play more centrally but wow! I think that many teams will now take us much more seriously now.
How that assault on Sasa is not deemed a penalty is unbelievable - over to you Howard Webb?




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11 Jun 2024 00:22:16
Personally I can't see him going anywhere. Or his brother. He came here not knowing what to expect. He was welcomed with open arms. Soon became a fan favourite! We love him. And from what has been reported he loves us. He's clearly happy here and sees a future in Old Gold, at least for the foreseeable! Otherwise he would of warned his younger brother away from here. I do think one of our top players will leave this window. But I don't think he would even be in contention. At the very least he could have another season with us, settled, around family, to show his worth and attract the big money clubs. I respect and admire loyalty, but I could never criticise someone for making a decision that could make their life better - sometimes it just has to be done! But I do feel that his short lived partnership with Gomez has opened both their eyes (as they have mine!) into just what they could achieve in this top tier league of football. Imagine what GON could achieve next season with the opportunity to bring in exactly what he is looking for. The fact that the window hasn't even opened yet and apparently we have signed a talent that is recognised by 'giants' like Madrid in Gomes really does fill me with hope! Yes, the price hike was a rubbishter - I'm not a STH but I still feel that way - but my god, it is to me a rather alien feeling that we seem to have secured one hell of a player before the window opens, rather than wondering on deadline day if we will even sign anyone at all. I expect sales. And people we would rather not go. But I think if we can keep hold of the likes of Lemina, Cunha, Gomez, then we could afford to cash in on the likes of Neto, Sa, Kilman etc. We just need to have covering options lined up before we do so. With the situation the club was left in just over a year ago when Lopetegui walked, everyone wrote us off and had us in a relegation battle. I didn't completely write us off, but certainly didn't expect much myself.

I for one cannot wait to see what this window brings, and what GON has up his sleeves.

Bring on next season, FWAW




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31 Aug 2023 21:00:43
Sorry criticise.?





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02 Sep 2023 09:18:48
Greyleg, I totally agree that everyone is entitled to an opinion, and yes players should get the praise and criticism their performances warrant, what frustrates me is all the negativity whenever we are linked to players that's all mate. It's 'we need a striker' then Adams name crops up and 'he's not good enough, couldn't hit a barn door etc'

Some people just seem like nothing pleases them and that's what ticks me off.

I think what people need to realise is we are no longer the team pushing for the top 6 and Europe due to things that have gone on in the past, but also that serious changes seem to be happening, and long needed overhaul and restructure, and I don't think a week ago anyone would of predicted a window anywhere near as promising as what has occurred.

Just wish people would have a bit of faith in the old gold for once mate!




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